Watchtower's Future: Examples

by metatron 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    So, what's the Watchtower's future?

    See Nov 1 2002 pg 30 "Voluntary Giving"

    see December 1 2002 pg. 5 "Voluntary giving brings joy"
    (yeah, right! when DID ANYBODY ever have to remind you
    to do something that actually felt good?)

    see SeptKM 2002 pg. 1 "Show Appreciation for Theocratic
    Resources" Remember to "avoid waste", reduce any "surplus",
    and put your name in publications to "reduce the need to
    obtain replacements".

    Hoping that Armageddon comes before all their scams
    fall apart
    see Nov.22 2002 Awake. Will stem cells and other technology
    radically change our lifespan? "We can be sure... no therapy
    conceived by man will eliminate sickness and death"
    "Only time will tell" pg.8

    I passed thru a check out at the local supermarket and
    noticed the Readers Digest (Oct 2002) headline
    "New Cure For Aging". Now, that hasn't happened yet...

    but don't bet that it won't.

    metatron (p.s. while writing this a dramatic preventative
    treatment for Parkinson's was announced - big doses
    of CoQ10 {NBC News}Also, stem cells can treat stage 1
    diabetes successfully {Yahoo Health})

  • musky

    So, what's the Watchtower's future?

    A slow fade. Some day there will be only small groups of hard core followers still attending meetings in homes.

    Can you tell me if there numbers world wide are increasing or decreasing?

  • CornerStone

    DON'T be suprised if they have a hostile takeover by insiders and do the BIG 180 degree turnaround.

    It's happened before, remember The Church of Christ? Now fully mainstream with the bigboys.

    That's how they will avoid being "eaten up" by the lawsuit sharks.

    Remember, no matter how unlikely, it's happened before.


  • sonoita


    That info on parkinsons, was the nightly news with Tom Brokaw? I checked the NBC website..couldnt find anything? What is CoQ10?


    Edited by - sonoita on 14 October 2002 21:55:59

  • minimus

    When the $$$$ is gone, the business empire will fall apart. Every month in our KH for about 2 years, we have not had enough in contributions to pay all the bills. If we didn't have a loan, from previous donors, we'd have no money to pay the bills. And what gets me is how they always want to send a big donation to the Society and they have no money themselves.

  • notperfectyet

    As soon as they df you minimus......their profits will soar.

  • metatron

    Robert Bazell gave the report on NBC Nightly News last night.

    CoQ10 is a natural substance that is a powerful antioxidant. It has

    been already used to restore some heart patients back to health, formerly

    given up for dead. I like the LEF brand because they insist on pharmaceutical

    grade quality (potency can vary, otherwise -

    In large enough doses, it is believed it can slow Parkinson's (if caught in

    early stages) by about half.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    "Will prophesy for food."

  • sonoita

    Thanks Metatron


  • butalbee

    I wish the WT didn't have a future. But there's still tooooooo many believers of the so called fantasia of truth.....

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