Today I had been DA

by Ginosko 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ginosko


    First of all, sorry for my bad English I'm from Peru South America. There's a lot to tell but I'm going in this time to be brief, because I'm very busy.

    I had been an elder for almost 8 years and a JH for more than 22 years.

    I'm a searcher of the truth from the 10 years old. I grow as a Catholic and got baptized as a JH at the age of 21.

    In October of 2001 a JW friend ask me about the UN&WT and Bulgarian affair. I made my research and didn't see any good answer. When I read the WT answer I realize that they were lying. I got baptized as a first generation of JW in my family and as a lot of us did an intensive research in the teaching of the soul, the trinity, the hell and the spirit and accepted the truth. I told them that from that moment I was going to beleive.

    I was in the USA in October and I return to my country in January of 2002. I told to the elders, friends of me, about the ONU affair and that I can still believe in the WT as the only channel of God. And also give some other information about some other teaching that at that moment I didn't saw Bible support, for example the transfusion of blood.

    I had some meeting with other elders in the following months, because the original elders of my congregation move to others congregations or go away for other reasons.

    Almost two weeks ago I receive a visit from the actual PO and the CO, and between others things I said that I didn't believe that the GB was the channel of God. They send a letter with the report to the service committe of the branch, and they decide to DA. The PO visit to me today with another elder, the older PO and they told me about the decision.

    Among other things they told me:

    1. That was a decision of the service committe. The PO of my congregacion s a member of this committe.

    2. Originally the PO didn't want to DA me, but that was a decision of the service committe.

    3. I ask them if they think that I'm a wicked man without a relationship with God for 4 times. At last they tooks theirs eyes away of me.

    4. I told them about any biblical support to DA that can apply to me, they began to told about the GB, and I quickly replied that the Bible don't talk about any GB. They didn't gave me any biblical support for the decision.

    5. I told them about any writing procedure of the WT that support a decision to DA to a man who didn't want to be DA, and they told me that they didn't have any writing procedure that this decision was verbal.

    6. I reply that this is a case in which the GB made a sin (UN&WT affair) and they punish me. They told that this is not the way that they see this point. I reply that I didn't believe in any honest JW that make a research in this topic and that could sleep with an honet hearth. They dindn't reply anything.

    7. At last I told them that I understand them, but I didn't agree with them. They try to told me about a procedure to return if I change my mind, I reply that I will not return, that they are giving me another reason to believe that the WT isn't an organization that is searching the truth but only to protect themselves.

    In all the talk I was nice and friendly to them, they told me that they can't continue being friend of me in the future.

    They go away from my house very sad, in my opinion near tears. ... I used to be a good JW elder.

    There's a lot more things to told you, but I'm very short of time. Sorry I will not make any other comment until weekend.


  • myself

    Ginosko, The UN relationship got my attention too. It was mentioned to me but without details which of course I had to look into, and that led to my investigating other topics. By the way welcome to the board!

  • gumby

    Jude:22 " BE merciful to those who have doubts"

    They really applied this in your case didn't they? You had doubts. Instead of be merciful, they proved to be like Pharisee's.

    Nice to have you with us Ginosko............we love ya!

    Edited by - Gumby on 15 October 2002 0:17:6

  • biblexaminer

    Hang in there brother. The WTS are the sinners here. You searched for truth and found it. Bravo!

    The WTS does not want the truth to get out. That's the bottom line. So, they DF & DA those who know the truth, so as to keep the rest of the JW troop ignorant and in the dark.

    Keep searching brother.

    Email me at I will give you a treat. Some reading material that you will get nowhere else, as a reward for your hard work in coming to the light.

  • minimus

    Hi Ginosko, Welcome to the board!!! I hope that you can make some new friends here.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy Ginosko! Just because Jehovah's Witnesses say it, doesn't make it true.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Ginosko,

    WELCOME to the forum.

    Christian Love,


  • ugg

    hi and welcome to the board...i hope you find comfort here...

  • freedomhouse3

    Ginosko, welcome!! I know that you will find some very revealing info here about the WTBTS. I've been d'fed for about 30 years. Also you will find a great deal of support here. So hang in there!!

  • Wolfgirl

    Welcome. I had been DF'd, but was wondering if I should try to go back just so I could speak to my family. But then I found out about the UN thing, and after researching more, decided I would not return. You are not alone.


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