There are many born-again Christians who do not believe that hell is a literal place of fiery torment
let me make sure i got this right, there are some BA who will take the bible and show that hell is a real place and other BA who will take the same bible with the same verses and say that Hell is not a real place
you got to love religion, this sounds like a line straight out of wt dogma
if the numbers go up - god is blessing us
if the numbers go down- god is cleaning things up
either way you go the believer wins
now here we have another group who both claim to be teaching the will of god and it is 180 degrees opposite-
for a dogma as serious as Hell Fire and one that has such Life Eternal effects on a person - you would at least think they could get this one right- going to Hell to burn forever i don't want folks getting this dogma wrong
but as we have seen some belief systems got you roasting and others got in an Allegory
you got to love it