Hello Everyone!
I just thought I would post a Thread and let everyone know what my own personal beliefs are.
You can post any comments you want to.
Also, you can post your own personal beliefs if you would like to.
Here are my beliefs (based on what I have read in the Bible):
I believe in God Almighty, my Creator (The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit -- All 3 are Separate Persons in Unity as One God -- All 3 are Co-Equal, Co-Eternal, Co-Omnipotent, Co-Omniscient).
I believe that Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God, came to Earth and was Born as a Human (while keeping His Full Deity), gave Christians 3 LAWS to follow (Love God, Love your Neighbor, and Treat others how you want to be treated), Died for the world's sins, in order that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ may be saved and receive eternal life with the Jesus, and Jesus was raised from the Dead and Ascended into Heaven to be with the Father.
All of this is by the grace, love, mercy, and justice of God.
That is the Gospel of Salvation.
I believe that everyone who truly believes in the TRUE Jesus Christ of the Bible, will be saved, and will be taken to Heaven when they die to be with the Lord Jesus Christ for Eternity.
I believe that when they die, everyone who rejects Jesus Christ will end up spending Eternity separated from Jesus Christ in Hell (whether Hell is a Fiery Place of Torment or not, I'm not sure, but I know I don't want to be there no matter what it is).
I believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY JUDGE of a person's heart and mind. Humans should not condemn one another, in regards to where they are going to go (Heaven or Hell).
Jesus Christ will judge everyone who never got to hear the Gospel.
I believe that all children who died before they were old enough to know what is right or wrong, will be saved.
I believe that Jesus Christ is Coming Again, whether in our life time or not, I do not know.
I believe that EVERYONE ON EARTH should follow these 3 Commandments of Christ:
1: Love God with all your Heart, Mind, Soul, Spirit, and Strength.
2: Love your Neighbor (any Human) the same as you Love Yourself
3: Treat other people as you want them to treat you
I believe that everyone should be HONEST with each other, and not lie or slander.
I believe that everyone should obey the Governments unless they command you to break God's Law.
I believe that the following things are WRONG and are SINS against GOD:
* Child Molestation, Incest, & All Child Abuse
* Rape
* Murder (Including Abortion)
* Fornication (Sex outside of Marriage, including Adultery, Sex with Animals, etc.)
* Homosexual Fornication
* Physical Abuse
* Stealing
* Hatred
* Idolatry (Worshipping anything other than the True God)
* Lying, Slander, & Deception
* Drunkenness
* Sorcery, Spiritism, Witchcraft, Divination, Communicating with the Dead, Consulting Fortune Tellers and Spirit Mediums, Wiccan & Pagan Rituals
* Envy
* Using God's Name in Vain or Profaning God's Name
I will post more of my beliefs as soon as possible.
Edited by - UnDisfellowshipped on 16 October 2002 3:35:41