Could someone please have a look and perhaps post a picture from the Nov 8th Awake. I have been told that the picture was taken during a convention and a young person is giving the 'finger' at the time the photo was snapped. I do not have access to the mag but it would be interesting to see if something like that was allowed to slip through.
Awake 8th Nov Picture
by why144000 31 Replies latest jw friends
Sounds like an urban legend to me, albeit up-to-the-minute. I'll be interested to see confirmation if it is true - I might ring my local Dub and ask if he's got it yet.
Edited by - qwerty on 16 October 2002 7:4:6
It's still not working - send me the pic, Qwerty.
There is a little guy, just to the left of centre giving the peace sign. He has two fingers up. That's all i see.
SS, in the UK (and here in Oz), what he's doing is the same as a middle finger salute - it's not a peace sign!
I know how to post pics, thanks anyway.
Strike9 is not working for me for some reason, I tried. I am using webshots, the pictures there but is not be downloaded to here for some reason.
Different meanings in different cultures, eh? For a dub, even making a peace sign probably wouldn't be theocratically correct.