I reckon it must be great for all the 20 + Something ex-JW's who visit this site!
Think about it, if you will for a moment. When the 20 + Somethings were still JW's, they had to respect the "Older men", show respect for the "Hoary head", be subservient to the "Elders".
Then they come here to find Farkel, Uncle Bruce, Larc, ME and a whole host of over age 50 insubordinate silver surfers, all giving their respective 2 fingers to the WTBTS. (1 finger in the US, I believe).
And, what's more, these Old Codgers don't pull the age superiority stunt at all in demanding unearned repect from those who happen to have been born at a later date than them. Ah, ain't equality great?
How refreshing! How very fine! What rich blessings!