Bush , Modern Jehu

by happy man 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    when i read this stuff, i think perhaps he think he is a moderns jehu, who going to take care of all eveal things on earth, like Saddam.

    BUSH AND WHITE HOUSE STAFF WORKERS HAVE BIBLE STUDY: President Bush talks openly and proudly about his active spiritual faith, and 25-55 of the 1700 White House staffer workers meet weekly at hour-long prayer and Bible study sessions which Bush aides organized before he became President of the USA. One group meets during lunch hour Tuesdays, the other on Thursdays. Attendance is voluntary and although Christian, non-Christians are welcome. Bush begins the day on his knees in prayer, reads the Bible each morning and studies a Bible lesson daily. In 1985 a conversation with Baptist preacher Billy Graham animated Bush to renew his faith which he has said helped him quit drinking at age 40.

    I have littel problems in my stummage when i read this, isnt this man very dangerus?

  • Crazy151drinker

    And he has nukes!!!

    Did anyone see the ICBM missle defense test on Monday??? I tell you it was beautiful! I know that many here would question the beauty of an ICBM but I tell you the contrails where a rainbow color and the rocket exhaust made the ICBM look like a slow moving falling star. I cant wait for the next one.

    Crazy of the Kill'em ALL let God sort'em out Class

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Crazy, and here's me thinking you lived in Iraq!

    Spanner, of the Fooled by Crazy class.

  • kenpodragon

    When I left the religion and registered to vote, I registered Republican. Then as time went on and I found their "religious" views did not coincide with my own. I changed to Independent. On the news though, they were mentioning that they think the Republican's might take a lot of Congressional seats in the next election. Personally, that lack of balance and favoring of the Christian ways bothers me when I see leaders pushing it so much. I liked Bush when I voted for him, but lately I have been wondering if I would vote for him in 2004.

    My thought


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Dragon, what happened to your face? Eeeeewwww see somebody about that huge zit, will ya!

    Edited by - SpannerintheWorks on 16 October 2002 13:45:27

  • kenpodragon

    I was trying a different picture for a bit, got sick of looking at me. Zit? Not sure what you mean by that.

    Take Care


    PS : I changed it back

    This was the picture I had there

    Edited by - kenpodragon on 16 October 2002 13:58:39

  • Crazy151drinker

    As a pro-gun, pro-legalize the drugs, pro-womens righs, pro-business, pro-rule the world republican- I get a little worried when I see the Christian Coalition trying to make policy. I have a problem with a small minority of people trying to stick there religious views+morals on the rest of the people (even If I may agree with said views and morals- well, not all of them). I think lobbying should be flushed down the toilet, its all just a bunch of bribery.

  • kenpodragon
    I think lobbying should be flushed down the toilet

    I agree! It will never happen though, to much money and kick backs involved.

    My thought


  • SpannerintheWorks

    Kenpo, you're back! A zit is a ...zit.. spot...what teenage JW's have all the time...

    Edited by - SpannerintheWorks on 16 October 2002 14:34:33

  • nilfun

    Bush = Jehu *shudder*

    btw, I like the karate chop piccy, Dragon.

    The other one looks a little bit like Johnny Bravo

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