Why this is such a great site!...

by SpannerintheWorks 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Where else can you go to ask 6000+ people their view on things? At the push of a button? And to top it all, almost all of these people ( like me ) have been affected by the WBTS in some way!

    Some people have criticised others for asking too many questions. CAN YOU BLAME THEM? Trapped in an org that frowns upon "independent thinking". This is their outlet after all these years!

    Personally, if I was to start a new thread ( after this one ) It would probably be something futile like " what do you all do for a living?"

    But in the mean time, Why Is This Such A Great Site?


  • mpatrick

    I love this site because I can usually find out what is going on in the Organization before my JW mom does!

  • nilfun

    How pleasant to see brothers all dwell in unity!

    O.k., so maybe we aren't all united in our viewpoints, but I like this
    site because there's always somebody here who knows where I'm
    coming from.

  • SpannerintheWorks
    I love this site because I can usually find out what is going on in the Organization before my JW mom does

    I love that one !

  • JosephAlward

    This is a great site for all of the obvious reasons, as well as because it is virtually the epitome of technical excellence. Congratulations, Simon.

    Joe Alward

  • out4good3
    I love this site because I can usually find out what is going on in the Organization before my JW mom does!

    I agree. And this irritates my JW relatives to no end that I know whats going on even though I'll never go to another indoctrinating session meeting.

    Would you believe some JW's out there still don't know about the "generation" change? And they call that unity....

  • heathen

    I like the idea of the jedi thing where you go up in levels the more you post .Other than that it sucks. lol

  • NewYork44M

    Although I do not contribute much, I visit several times a day. I agree that this is a great site and would like to thank everyone for their contributions.

  • terabletera

    ....what mpatrick said...me too! heehee

    Aint it great to just be free?

  • Dismembered

    Re: Why this is such a great site!...

    I like it because it's a great excuse to miss all the meetings from now on.


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