Do you trust your instincts?

by haujobbz 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    If another dub or X claims we only use "X percent" of our brains, I'll scream. That JW crap has never been substantiated and in fact is absolutely false. We use 100 percent of our brains. Every synapsis is functional unless organically interferred with. Do some research on the net and find out for yourself. There's plenty of info to disprove the stupid JW mantra about how much of our brain we use.

    caveman of the silly synapsis class

  • larc

    Rem and Carmel, thank you both for bringing some sense to this nonsense. As you say, all of our brains are being used all of the time. Someone says, only 13%? Where the fork did that number come from????? Every time we walk, talk, get an idea, type here, listen to the radio our brain is working. Plus, it is doing other things, like regulating our body temperature, sending messages to our limbs if they bump into something, remembering things from the past that pop back into our heads, allowing us to have fantasies and sexual images at will. No, our brain is not operating at a 13% level. It is working at a 100% level all of the time.

  • tdogg

    I believe that many times instinct and intuition are nothing more then the 'us' behind the scene letting the 'us' in charge know that it knows something. There are processes in our mind that see and hear things far in advance of our realization of those things. Our eyes can see much more then we can realize, or immediately understand.

    Its like a crew up "in the skybox", to use a sports metaphor, looking over photos and running analysis, instant replays. The "assistant coaches" will see things, like a facial twitch that someone made in a coversation that we paid no attention to, or the tone in someones voice, or a sudden increase in probability of a certain event taking place. If they come up with something then they call down to the "head coach" on the field.

    Whether or not the 'us' behind the scenes is also capable of recieving info from other energy sources is up to debate though I personally believe that it can. And that is because I believe that I have experieced such input on occasion.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Different people use differing amounts of their brain - it can be scanned for

  • caligirl

    Absolutely. My family was in a serious car accident when I was a teenager. We were on our way home from an assembly. I was so tired, and even had a pillow with me to try to sleep on. But every time I started to lie down on the pillow, something told me to sit up. I had a sense the whole ride home that something was not right and that I should be sitting up and paying attention. It started to snow about 5 miles from home, and as we were going accross a bridge that was a sheet of ice, we T-boned a truck, and my sister and I ended up with very serious injuries, and for me, they would have likely been much worse had I been laying down and asleep. Another time, my now ex husband had planned to go out with the guys after work, and I planned all day to go shopping that evening before I went home. As I left work, I had this feeling that I should go straight home rather than go shopping. It was a 30 mile drive. When I got home, I found my house on fire. I was told that if I had been 5 minutes later, the entire house would have gone up. Small things, and not necessarily anything that I could have changed, but my instincts most definitely told me in both cases that something was seriously wrong.

  • rem


    From what you described it sounds like at the time you just had a feeling you should do these things or perhaps you were slightly agitated, but then you reinterpreted the memory later on as if these feelings were that something was 'seriously wrong'. Also, other information could have made you more alert to things (it's storming outside or did I leave the iron on this morning?).

    People have such feelings many times a day. Many times we ignore them, many times we follow them. When something extraordinary happens after following a feeling it is easy to interpret it as something more than coincidence. It is a known psychological phenomenon of "remembering the hits and forgetting the misses". The memory is also tricky because we never remember the events exactly as they happened. After the event has been recalled many times, it is augmented with different details, such as new feelings that are re-interpreted into the memory.

    For example, if you had really thought at the time that something was 'seriously wrong', then you would likely have sped home from work instead of just casually making a decision not to go to the store. If you felt that something was seriously wrong laying down in the car, you probably would have pestered your mom or dad to drive more carefully or something.

    To me, with all of the billions of events that happen every day, it would be amazing if there were not any such coincidences. Unfortunately, our brains are not wired to handle such things rationally and we try to draw conclusions and form patterns from small samples. We are a pattern matching species.


  • Searchin50

    Just my thoughts on this discussion.

    I think whats being discussed here is 2 different things entirely.

    Knowing something is going to happen or just thinking, something

    might be going to happen, not knowing what the feeling is that's

    making you uncomfortable, there is quite a difference in these two feelings.

    I'm talking about E S P here yes i do possess a 6th sense,

    although I do not pursue this gift,I know exactly whats going to happen

    and when it's going to happen.

    The difference in thinking it's going to happen ( this is anxiety )

    and or knowing it's going to happen ( this is the extra sensory precipitation )

    that some of us gifted do have.

    Edited by - Searchin50 on 17 October 2002 18:9:27

  • larc

    Sorry Searchin, I just don't believe it. There is no physical or mental way that someone can know the future. It simply can't be done, no way, no how. Now, you might be a perceptive person that can figure outcomes based on present events, but that does not give you esp, because esp is not possible. I can make good estimates of future events myself. I have no magical powers, and neither do you.

  • Searchin50

    MY dear larc no i certainly do not have any magical powers, he he,

    and no i can't predict the future, no i do not tell anybodys fortune,

    but belive me, i do have a 6th sense!!!!!!!

    No i don't sit and mediate about whats going to happen today,

    but if it's a very very different day belive me, i will know it!!!!!!!!!!

    Remember as jws we were told these kinds of things were demonism,

    i for one know better than that, i'm not so simple minded,

    anymore to belive anything they procrastinate about.

    I know it sounds off the wall, wacko, or whatever, but i tell you

    honestly it is real.

    Edited by - Searchin50 on 17 October 2002 18:39:18

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