From my youngest days, I remember being told that we should be careful because of the demons. They are everywhere, just waiting to pounce on us. We were told to stay away from windchimes since they "attract" the demons. If someone had a headache, it could be the demons. If we spoke out loud about something bothering us, we had to be aware that the demons could see and hear us. Why, they even could read our mannerisms! Were you affected by the demons???
Were You Obsessed With Demons?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
Want a Tarot Card reading, or is that demons?
My thought
Thats why I have a witchball hangin' by the patio doors; to trap 'em just in case the windchimes attract 'em!
Edited by - mac on 16 October 2002 23:4:55
A Paduan
Sounds like you were real affected by the demons
I never believed they existed, even when I was an elder. But I had to keep that "under my hat" and tow the party line.
Actually, there was quite a few things I didn't believe in, angels, the flood, holy spirit, name a few. I guess that's why I eventually found my way out.
A paduan,
Just call me Damion!
mackin, you were an unbelieving elder.
I was a real dork! I played a computer game when I was a JW called Phantasmagorea , I probably just misspelled it. Anyway it was a scary game and I could just "feel" that I invited demons into my home. But I finished the game anyway!! I wasn't real uptight about demons but I did believe in them. Only HERE could I admit to such stu[idity!
A Paduan
I've heard that people avoid meditating in case a daemon jumps in while they aren't thinking and take over their brain.
You don't drive a black masserati do you mac?