This secular humanist moment has been brought....

by SixofNine 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine
    SixofNine you by The Foundation for a Better World.

    (in murmured three part harmony) "...may Neil die peacefully Lord, I promise I won't blow a second chance, amen."

    I know, I know, it's not good form to photograph during a prayer, but this is a once in a lifetime shot! I couldn't help myself.

    Edited by - SixofNine on 17 October 2002 13:57:19

  • rei

    Is there a story behind this picture? If so, do tell.

  • rei

    ...oh you guys are working on the site... you had my interest for sec. Yawwn well it's bedtime for me... nite!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Cool Pic that you, what a hottie!!!

    Cool suit and tie Six, you look like a regular dub, well, almost!

    Love the anymore??


  • safe4kids

    Way cool pic, Sixy! And pardon me if I'm incorrect, but I would venture to say that starting with the cutie closest to the camera, we have COMF, then Jerry (Megadude), and looks like Valis. Am I right?? Do I win a prize?? And if I do, will the four of you handsome studs deliver it to me???

    Dana (who needs to get her ass to class, not to be confused with needing to add class to her ass!)

  • Perry

    If you look closely, the guy is squinting and doesn't really have his eyes closed. He's acually a secert bethelite operative sneaking a shot with his camera. The pic will no doubt appear in next months watchtower under the subheading, " Is It Wrong To Have Worldly Fiends?

  • Francois

    I don't get it.


  • siegswife

    Geez guys, I'm just a regular lurker and I get it. Six has the hots for Andi (billygoat) and this pic is from her wedding...thus the strange 'prayer'.

    Do I get the booby prize?

  • notperfectyet

    I get it!

    Six took the picture of Comf, Mega and Valis.

    The three part harmony is them all praying together.

    Six is not in the photo.

    Great Kodak moment six.

    Edited by - notperfectyet on 17 October 2002 11:17:58

  • Valis

    Dam!!!!! I've been caught in the act of prayer?!!!! Ah shit....looks like I'll have to be extra naughty this weekend... Yes this pic is from BG's wedding and I guarantee you I wouldn't bow my head for any other occassion, but out of my love and respect for Andi and Neil I behaved myself...although as I mentioned to COMF and mega and sixie, the preacher who did the wedding would have gotten hammered in Theocratic Ministry School...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

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