There is no love in "THE WORLD " my arse!
About a month ago I had a watercraft accident and I got busted up pretty good. Last weekend a workmate of mine got a BENIFIT going for MARKS BAR. This benifit raised $1300.00 !
One particular guy that is a friend of one of the guys I know ,wrote a check for $100. He wasn't even there, lives in another state, and I have NEVER met him before. A band played all night for free.
Heres the kicker......not one friggin cent was given to us by the Witnesses. My wife is a loyal dub and all her dub friends know I am the main bread winner. You would think they would have at least thought of her.....but no.......not a dime. No love in the world my ass. I have had more calls and visits from my WORLDLY friends than you can imagine. I don't know that we have even had a call from the dubs.
Edited by - gumby on 17 October 2002 17:51:13