WORLDLY people just had a BENEFIT for me.

by gumby 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    There is no love in "THE WORLD " my arse!

    About a month ago I had a watercraft accident and I got busted up pretty good. Last weekend a workmate of mine got a BENIFIT going for MARKS BAR. This benifit raised $1300.00 !

    One particular guy that is a friend of one of the guys I know ,wrote a check for $100. He wasn't even there, lives in another state, and I have NEVER met him before. A band played all night for free.

    Heres the kicker......not one friggin cent was given to us by the Witnesses. My wife is a loyal dub and all her dub friends know I am the main bread winner. You would think they would have at least thought of her.....but no.......not a dime. No love in the world my ass. I have had more calls and visits from my WORLDLY friends than you can imagine. I don't know that we have even had a call from the dubs.

    Edited by - gumby on 17 October 2002 17:51:13

  • ugg


  • ugg


  • ashitaka

    Agreed. When we were hurting for cash this summer, people stepped up in great ways. Not even a phone call from old friends.

    He wasn't even there, lives in another state, and I have NEVER met him before.

    That's cool. That's what truly good people are like. Witnesses would probably give you a damn tract telling about how someday, there will be no watercraft.


  • Gopher

    A workmate, a benefit, at a bar!!! OH my goodness, how untheocratic!! Such cannot have Jehovah's blessing.

    You are so right about how kind and caring "worldly" people condemned to death by the Brooklyn-based publishing ayatollahs really are!! Good for you that people came through in your time of need.

  • larc

    Your situation confirms what we all know about the JWs. They talk love, but not show love. They talk about charity, but none is given. They talk about helping the elderly, but they rarely do it. They talk but never deliver. How sad these JWs are. They are the poorest example of Christianity that exists on this planet. What a shame, and what a sham.

  • gumby


    Witnesses would probably give you a damn tract telling about how someday, there will be no watercraft.

    This is how they deal with hunger and other needs in some lands.....tell them the "good news of the kingdom". Well who in the hell can eat or wear "good News"


    They talk love, but not show love.

    How true. I remember a CO when visiting our Hall..."those outside of Jehovah's people do not know what true love is". I remember telling my wife I'd like to slap his ass! That's when I was a dub.

  • wednesday

    My mother, recenlty passsed away. She was a loyal witness, but she was old and for the last year had not been able to attend meetings.All but an handful had forgotten her. I only saw a few from KH at her nursing home. She was so grateful when they did come to see her. I was the one that called them and reminded them that she was in hospital/loney/whatever and would love to see them.. No cards-no flowers from them. I called them b/c it meant so much to her. I was determined i was not going to totally let them forget her. But i should have known , my own dear mother once told me"JW are not good when u have problems..." She was right. U have problems-they run. Where is that scripture that says something about a brother being born for times of trouble-indicating true friends will be there in rain or shine.It was hard for me to see how soemone could forget my mom. she was loyal and hospitable, had been a pioneer during ww 11 and saw first hand mob violence here in usa. She had a very loving way about her that would draw anyone to her. One hand was crippled, but she always held out her hand to everyone and said "i love u" and "thank u " for any help she received. She trusted in jehovah and in the end it was me-an inactive witness-who was there for her and forced a few of them to do the right thing. her own son-an active jw-rarely put in an apperance. I don't know how some people sleep at night.


    Edited by - wednesday on 17 October 2002 19:7:52

  • gumby


    That is a sad story. So sorry this happened to your mom.....but it is not unusual with them at all. When I used to attend Church I remember they used to go to nursing homes and visit people they didn't know.....and they weren't there to sell anything either..unlike the dubs. Thanks for sharing your story....your mom sounded like a sweetie.

    Edited by - gumby on 17 October 2002 19:13:32

  • Shakita


    So sorry about your Mom. She sounded like a very nice person. And, you are a wonderful daughter to take care of your Mom like you did and watch over her.


    My daughter was married this last year. Had a big reception. And, I am convinced that the JW's are the cheapest people in the world! What do you expect from a religion that promotes self-preservation above all else!

    Mrs. Shakita

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