Anyone using my name is not me.

by refiners fire 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    and yet i still don't care. deal with it.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    only maybe i wasn't kidding like maynard was...

  • kelpie

    You know when you reply to bitter people it just fuels them on for more... no fuel, no fire.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    you know, when you reply to issues you have no clue about, noone listens.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    oh, and no (refiner's) fire was my whole point. booya!

  • MrMoe

    BOO YA!

  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Damn Mango.... I like your mad posting style. you better look out someone said booya bitch to me on a forum the other night and I had to put him in his place. O the fun I have...

    Did you get that email I set you from Harms house????

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Kelpie, ignore Bitter, we all do...for obvious reasons.

    Refiners: take care of yourself and yours. Thinking of you buddy!! As for the other refiners, didn't even know there was one LOL. And if anyone goes to the trouble to 'pretend' to be you, well they've gotta be pretty messed up in the head to even WANT to do that. They are only providing sport and entertainment for their won delusional minds - leave them to it.

    Btw, I see you are still an Ooobie magnet Refiners LMAO!!


  • RandomTask
    Kelpie, ignore Bitter, we all do...for obvious reasons.

    I don't

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Sorry Random, I mean 'we' as in the ones she hates, you're not one of them.

    I think there's about 3 or 4 others LOL.

    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 17 October 2002 21:33:21

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