I don't know if anyone here listens to Dr. Joy but I love her show and most of the time agree with her advice. Well, today I grew some balls and decided to call in and ask her what she thought I should do in my current situation (which is probably the closest I will come to seeking professional advice). I never mentioned the name of the "religious group" in which my husband was involved, but I informed her about some of the things that they believe and how it was affecting my marriage and family.
For those of you who haven't had the privilege of hearing my life story already (I post it on nearly every thread that I respond to) my husband is an unbaptized but very active dub. I am not. I was going along for a while until I stumbled on the mounds of info against them and well, here I am. I basically briefed her on the problems my 6 year old is having about understanding all of this. I have no problem with my husband being a dub...he is a grown man and free to make his own choices. But the kids are getting seriously mixed up over all of this (mainly our 6 yr old). And somewhere along the line, my son has came to the conclusion that if he is bad, God is going to kill him. Dear hubby says he never told him that. But my hub reads them horror stories from that yellow My book of bible stories to him every night...so what conclusion did he expect him to draw? He does allow us to celebrate holidays, but at the same time he's telling the kids that Jehovah doesn't approve. Needless to say, not a good situation for a 6 and a 4 year old.
At any rate, I laid everything out to her and she basically said that we need to find a middle ground for the kids sake but unfortunately when someone becomes involved in a religion like this - that is sometimes not an option; seek counseling (he would never go for that); that him and I should find a second religion (not a chance on that); or I should consider leaving the marriage to protect the mental well-being of the children.
Anyhow, I was nervous as hell...and excited. Just wanted to let anyone and everyone who may have been listening and thought, "Gosh, she sounds like she's describing the WTS"...well, I was...and that was me!!
Bye all,
http://www.drjoy.com/air/index.html -- Unfortunately, I couldn't find any archives of the shows