After-meeting conversations

by Gopher 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ITguy

    Always talk about where we're going to go to eat and get a gin & tonic after the meeting.

  • out4good3

    It got to the point where I actually found myself running out the door during the song leaving skid marks in the driveway on my way out of the parking lot. Didn't want to hear the usual "we missed you at the meeting......., let's do field service" questioning from those brothers who claime to have my best interests at heart.

    Not very "spiritual" of me.

  • zev

    hi gopher.

    your questions piqued my interest.

    first, i never enjoyed staying after the meetings. i worked long days and after sitting through 2 hours of "schtuff" i wanted to get home and get to bed. i was always exausted and tired.

    only when i had "priveldges" would i stay to "perform" these acts of servitude to "god" (the wts). after i was done my "duties" i was gone.

    once i relinquished those "duties" i never stayed. i always brought my own car so i could leave right away, without having to endure the "association" .

    during the meetings, i spent allot of time with my 'brothers" usually the younger crowd, in the back answering questions. spiritual, biblical ones? no. computer questions. operating systems, and problem solving. i was the only one there who new my "stchuff".

    hope that helps answer your questions there dude.

    g'day from the smallest, most corrupt state in the union.

  • Dismembered


    How many of you really talked about the ideas presented at the meeting, when lingering after the meeting?

    Never, everything else but that.


  • onacruse

    Sheesh...not many True Believers on this board, eh? LOL

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    If often remarked in related threads here that the post-meeting conversations NEVER involved discussion of the meeting's contents, with the posbile exception the speciualtion about what happened/what was done when the session concluded with a disfellowshipping announcement. Sports, shopping, cars, vacation plans, etc. tended to be most frequent topics following the closing prayer.

  • Farkel

    : Rather than talk about mundane things of life, discuss the finer points of the meeting just held.

    I never did enjoy trying to pick flies off of shit.


  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Typically, you only hear a discussion of a part if someone screwed up.

  • BluesBrother

    As the Secretary I was too busy running around with a list of "Congregation business" matters and people just had to see ,to be able to do a real job of talking to the "Brothers". A Good elder wasnt I ?

  • shera

    I wanted to hurray up and leave.I was always tired after hearing my daughter screaming for the full 2 hours.Idonot recall anyone talking about the talks...they were all probley over in their corners talking about my screaming

    To me it was kinda like highschool..they all go in their clicks and if you try to invade..they look at you like what are you doing here...

    I never talked enough and I had one woman tell me that people are wondering what is wrong with you ,you don't talk enough.So they had after conversations about me a s well... *grin*

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