Are All Non-JW's "Worldly"

by Double Edge 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    After speaking with my JW friend, I asked "Do you consider me a Worldly person and not a true Christian?". They asked "What do you mean and where did you hear that". I said that I had gotten into a conversation with some former (you all) JW's and they said that even though I attend church, JW's don't accept me as a 'true' Christian and I'm called a Worldly person. My friend, hemed and hawed and said something to the effect that I"'m not sure where that term 'worldly' comes from, but Jehovah knows everyones hearts and knows who the true believers are."

    Is this friend just ignorant, or am I being 'played"?

  • blondie

    Maybe it comes from Jesus' statement to be no part of the world as he was. Thus those who are part of the world Jesus mentioned are called worldly. Here are 2 definitions

    From American English Hacker Theocratese

    world, worldly
    Organized human society outside the Christian congregation. As such, it is in a state of alienation from God and his purposes. In {NW}, world translates forms of the Greek word ko'smos. (Jam 4:4; 1Jo 2:15-17) Thus worldly is used to describe an attitude of conformance to the world in appearance, thinking, and actions, and is in contrast to {spiritual}. <<Since slacking off on his study and meeting attendance, Brother Slide has begun to display some worldly speech and habits.>>
    A person engrossed in the concerns of the world, a {worldly} person. Although a perfectly legitimate word, it is sometimes spoken with a supercilious air of superiority as though to elevate the speaker above the one to whom it is applied. <<Do you see that worldling across the street, the one with long hair and shabby clothes?>> One brother remarked: <<When I see the word worldling it reminds me of earthling, and that makes me think of a Martian with green skin and antennae sticking out of his head.>>
  • butalbee

    If you are not a JW then you are a worldly person in their frame of mind.

  • butalbee

    Hey, Double Edge----congrat's--your next post--you'll be a jedi!

  • jurs

    Your friend is NOT ignorant and is playing you!!!! Things like that tick me off whereas witnesses are concerned. He knows darn well that your considered "worldly" . Hmmmmm maybe Bill Clinton studied with JW's. Tiptoing and being evasive about hardhitting questions!!! Ask your friend again the same question and remind him that Jehovah hates liars!!!

  • out4good3

    This JW friend of your pulled the old "bait and switch" tactic. JW are very good at what you call "hemming and hawwing" around the true answers to hard hitting question in their quest to always portray the Org in a positive light. You're being played bigtime. For him to feign not knowing what the word "worldly" means is ludicrious as the word is lavishly used and splashed all over their literature.

    Ask your friend again the same question and remind him that Jehovah hates liars

    After you that ask him if it's true that they basically see you as bird food after armageddon.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    My friends are among those that I don't even consider to be "playing" me.

    As for "worldly" - again, jwism has effectively altered the meaning for a word, thereby passing an entire lie on people with ease.

    "worldly" is how things work here - in terms of

    • earning and receiving your fair share
    • acquiring what you rightly deserve
    • punish those who aren't 'good' like you ("victim blaming")
    • giving good things to your own and calling it righteousness

    Fact is, jwism is actually more "worldly" than most of the outside "world".

    The kingdom of heaven however just doesn't work like that.


    Edited by - a paduan on 18 October 2002 17:17:43

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Double Edge,

    I have experienced something very similar. I was also told that "we don't consider ourselves better than anyone else, just different". Thanks to what I have learned on this forum, I could tell when so many meanings were being shaded.

  • LovesDubs

    Its like when a woman says to you "Do I look fat in these pants?" You cant possibly answer that question right and the JWs know that if they answer HONESTLY you will freak, so they hedge their bets, and him and haw....but the reality is there are only two camps...baptized JWs in good standing and EVERYBODY ELSE. Their doctrine is VERY specific that anybody not a JW is under SATAN and that includes anybody who ISNT BAPTIZED yet but even studying to BECOME a JW. If you ask them who will be in paradise they will also answer you "We dont know, only Jehovah knows hearts" when their doctrine is VERY specific that only JWs in good standing will survive armageddon and be in paradise. They cant tell people the TRUTH god forbid...nobody would join.

  • Francois

    Your "friend" isn't being honest with you, doubtless because he's ashamed of what he's required to do in this cult.

    AND he's playing you.


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