For the month of October , I have four court Hearings. I had one yesterday and the link below to the Calgary Sun describes what happened. I didn't have a lawyer, so I represented myself. There were three WTS lawyers present. After all six lawyers gave their statements, I was last. In my statement I exposed the WTS for what they really are and what their agenda really is, they certainly are not concerned about the rights of children. When I finished my statement, you could hear a pin drop. The WTS lawyers were all looking down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I was told later that my statement was very dramatic and moving. All the JW and my family sneaked out when it was over. I had a press conference at lunch time and after the Court Hearing. The WTS lost this battle, but the war continues. Last Wednesday, I met with a large law firm, Docken and Company who specializes in Class/Mass Action Suits worldwide against Cults and Churchs. They are heavy hitters (Cult Busters). They came up with some very good ideas on strategy and of Strategic Attacks on the WTS in the way of Law Suits that I hadn't thought of which would be very effective. They are particularly interested in joining the Consortium from the U.S.A. as well as initiating their own Action Suits that the consortium are not interesting in doing. The only money they want upfront is for certain expenditures such as travel, bringing in expert witnesses, etc. I urge all xJW to contact me and to spread the word. All xJW are eligible to join in these actions. It is a matter of which one you would benifit best from. You do not need to send any money at this time and may never need to. The time to act is now. Each day JW's are dieing needlessly. Don't wait until it is one of your children that is dieing. By then it will be too late. You can make a difference. You can help stop the slaughter. You can prevent the damage that is being done to innocent families. To contact me [email protected] or to know more visit the web site
by SHUNNED FATHER 10 Replies latest jw friends
I would love for you to share that speach with us, if you still have it?
Glad it went well Lawrence ... (((well done)))
BTW: I'll reply to your email and send you the instructions.
Yes Mr. Hughes, please post the comments you made in court.
The following is basically what was said by me:
Your Honour, recently I made it known that I didnt want to proceed with this issue regarding Charter Rights. My reasoning was that Bethany had died so I didnt see the need to proceed. I have had a change of heart.
Your Honour, what about all the other children. They need to be protected.
Bethanys rights and Freedoms were violated. What was done to her was criminal. She was a victim, used, abused and tormented. No child should have to go thru what Bethany went thru.
It has been established in family court , in Queens Bench and upheld at Appellet Court that Bethany was under so much pressure and undue influence that she was not capable of making an informed or independant decision or able to exercise her own free will. To investigate this further would reveal how invasive and all encompassing that pressure and control really was.
Your Honour, if this trial proceeds , I wish to have expert witnesses testify that the WTS is guilty of using sophisticated Control Technigues, cruel and unusual treatment, issolation, undue influence, coercion, indoctrination, intimadation, fear tactics, misinformation, lies, and deceit. Your Honour, I believe it is essential, critical that these issues be settled to protect the many other potential victims, hundreds of innocent children who will suffer and die because of the WTS.
Bethany's Rights were violated by the WTS and not by the Director of Child Welfare. Almost anyone in this country would agree and would say 'Thank God' for Child Welfare and for the Courts for protecting children.
Your Honour, if proceeding with this trial would prevent other children from being victimized by the WTS, then I am in complete favour of proceeding.
Good job! Please post your speech. We are dying to hear it.
I certainly don't want to see you have anymore stress and grief, Lawrence.
On the the other hand, I would love to see the WTS' "truth" exposed as a disgusting publishing company/cult masquerading as a religion.
Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 18 October 2002 19:8:34
I would have loved to be in that courtroom and watched the faces of the WTS lawyers as you spoke those words of Control Techniques!
Way to go Lawerance, your an inspiration for all. Hooray your speech was excellent.
Well Hello Larry - long time no talk.
I am finally glad that you are moving to find a good legal team. I hope it goes well. Once you are set up with proper counsel I can start to recommend people to you're team.
I hope they have the "drive" of Kim Norris. I have now heard a lot of "good" things with her and her legal firm.
I will try to give you a call next week if I get a free moment. You sure have come a long way from the time I first talked to you on the phone. I just wish it didn't have to happen.
Take care.