In these perilous times, as wickedness increases during the forecast "last days", many are being seduced with false promises. By doing so, they become easy prey for the apostate WTS, with claims that Satan is behind the recent exposing of its failure to protect its flock from paedophiles and abusers.
It behooves all true "aposatates" to maintain loyalty, having learned the truth about "the Troof".
Differences of opinion must not detract us from bearing witness to "the real truth".
Large social gatherings, known as apostafests, should be encouraged by local bodies, to build up the friends.
We are pleased to advise that the Writing Department have been directed to prepare a new issue of Ozzie's Weekend Poll for this weekend.
We send our greetings,
Ozzie and Posters Society
P.S. Ozzie's back!