Wanted to chime in on the last post, I have to say this isn't accurate. Judaism today or the media promoted one isn't accurate to the true one, you have deffinitely confirmed this in your comment, this seems also add evidence to the modern day jewish people not being actual decendants, a hot topic of today.
I know the book of Sirach which was also found in the dead sea scrolls speaks of incest and the revelation of the sin being revealed in defected children.
Had to look it up but Sirach 23: 16 and 24-26.
There is a lie also that the Torah and Tanak are the only scriptures the hebrews accepted, along with another lie that Josephus did not consider any of the other books. Reading from his texts he does not give his opinion but merely says that the Torah and Tanak were held as the authority and that the other books had various opinions to who actually wrote them.
Demon posession was still part of Judean spiritual concepts. This continues even up into the mid-late 1800s as recorded in a dairy by a man known as Borrows in his journal The Bible in Spain. He met a leftover hebrew there who hid in Spain after the deport by pretending he was poor and stayed in the villages and country side. He spoke to him about a ruah (spirit) possession that tormented a certain catholic priest and would visit to get help.
To be honest its sounds like a lot of the protestant reformers had demons in them. I recall reading something regarding Martin Luther claiming to have had a battle yelling at demons, throwing fecal matter at demons. That's... not normal.