Little girl,
old bag,
I know weed can play havoc with a person's memory and it obviously has with yours.
personal experience?? if not, don't talk about it. and what does my memory have to do with anything?? anyone on these boards who actually knows me will tell you what a good memory i have. who's always the first to find old topics people mention and who mentioned them??
i forget nothing
It's not to do with your posting a pic of yourself, you also have made constant references to drugs and alcohol.
i've posted here drunk a few times. and??? CONSTANT referances? lol AND if you are talking about me and others talking about drugs/being drunk on the other board it's an inside joke...but you wouldn't get it cos you aren't an insider
You DO have a problem with them if you use them constantly as a way to deal with your pain.
i don't have a problem considering i don't use them constantly and i don't use them to relieve any kind of pain or angst i might have.
If you do have such great friends and family, I hope they encourage you to seek help in managing your pain in less self-destructive ways.
these people actually live with me and interact with me everyday...they actually know me, unlike all you, so they know i don't smoke weed often and they know i deal with my problems in the most effective way someone can. i don't need any encouragement.
And how to deal with conflicts in an adult manner, certainly not in the way you acted yesterday towards Simon and his family in such a public manner.punch me and i'll punch you back .