Last Night's Elders Meeting.

by Englishman 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Last night I concluded a very lively social evening by talking with an elder who was enjoying a few late gin 'n'tonics in my local pub.

    Suitably booted and suited, my Dub–in–the–pub pal told me that he had just been to an elders meeting, conducted by the CO.

    He said that a lot of stuff was only handed down by word of mouth these days. But, new light that he had just received, was as follows: (Bear in mind that we were both pretty steamed by midnight!)

    1. Elders MUST call on all DF’d ones once a year to encourage them to turn back and where necessary to have their questions answered.

    2. A general easing up on the harsh treatment of DF’d persons was in the pipeline.

    3. Governing body members no longer had to be FDS.

    I’ve heard rumours about most of this via this site, but it was good to hear it from the horses mouth.

    As an add on to this post, I did row in re the FDS parable and 144,000 being totally unconnected, DF’ing being unscriptural and the blood nonsense being about Xtians not upsetting the Jews. He took it well and didn’t start screaming about apostasy, so I guess there is some hope for him yet.


  • zev

    G'day englishman.

    hit 'em with the old, malawi/mexico thing someday. watch him squirm as he trys to figure that one out.

    Sitting on the Wrong Side of the Fence Class

  • Pathofthorns

    Hello Englishman.

    I find your comments regarding the elder's statement that the Governing Body Members do not have to be of the annointed interesting.

    If this were the case, then the central dogma of the religion would crumble. I suspect he means that the annointed no longer are necessary to be listed as directors of the Society with reference to last years Organizational restructuring.

    Easing up on the the harsh treatment for disfellowshipped ones would be nice, but I think that is also just propaganda. And the "loving yearly visits" to disfellowshipped ones has been in place for several years now.


  • ozziepost

    How come your pubs allow elders to drink in them? What type of country are you from, mate?

    "2. A general easing up on the harsh treatment of DF’d persons was in the pipeline."

    How will that help the hundreds of thousands who've hurt?

    Too little, too late.

    I wonder how dubs will receive that news?



  • trevor


    Your elder said that a lot of stuff is handed down by word of mouth.
    I suspect this is avoid being quoted by apostates when they change
    their mind again.

    Either that of they are worried that Fredhall will turn on them and burn their books!

  • ozziepost

    G'day englishman,

    "He said that a lot of stuff was only handed down by word of mouth these days."

    It has been Society practice for several years now to impart important instructions of a 'sensitive' nature to elders at the elders' meeting with the c.o. This would include matters having to do with judicial cases and with family law cases involving members of the congregation. The C.O. has a letter from the Society from which he reads the instructions. The elders are to take personal notes.

    "To protect the Society" is the reason given by the c.o. for this manner of passing on instructions.


    ozzie (of the freedom in print class)

  • Thirdson

    Hi E'man,

    3. Governing body members no longer had to be FDS.

    If this is true it has big implications. If the GB is not made up of FDS members then where is the FDS? Maybe then the GB never had members of the FDS. The WTS could say that the FDS is not the 144,000 and hasn't been identified yet. Either way it spells big changes and more problems for the faithful. Afterall, the annointed are NOT supposed to die off before the big A as the line of communication would be cut.

    No FDS, no appointment in 1918/19, questionable reason to have to keep 1914.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • Lindy

    Dear Englishman,
    You said:
    "Governing body members no longer had to be FDS."
    So if they no longer need to be FDS then where does the stuff about the holy spirit directing God's people through the FDS fit in. No longer needs, or does God work through just anybody now? Interesting isn't it?
    Lindy (Antique)

  • ozziepost

    theoretically there can be a big difference between the GB and the F&DS. It's possible to have a non-anointed (should that be unanointed?!) GB but, as you say, how will the 'light' come thru' the F&DS?

    Perhaps Sister so-and-so in Wagga wagga will suddenly have the 'light' and send a message to Brooklyn!!


    Ozzie [of the truly anointed class]

  • Lindy

    Funny that you should bring up the fact that maybe the other annointed would send in some "new light" to the governing body. I have known several annointed, men and women, and they all told me that the society never asked them for their thoughts on anything. You would think they would, wouldn't you, in order to get an accurate idea of what God wants? I haven't talked to any annointed for a long time now, so I don't know if it is different now, especially now that no-annointed are part of the running of things. It will be interesting to see how they address this issue. I can't believe that a good many JW's haven't already written in on this one!

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