Et Tu, Outlaw! First you put me on the menu and now you cut me for bait.
Besides that, I delight in your posts. Really funny!
by _Morpheus 323 Replies latest jw experiences
Et Tu, Outlaw! First you put me on the menu and now you cut me for bait.
Besides that, I delight in your posts. Really funny!
with your science name and all
I changed that. You need to re read.
knowledgeable and intelligent people are overwhelmingly against our own, given that we all come from the same background, it's time we slowed down and rethought the matter.
Not really.
When have I ever resorted to insults to divert attention from a discussion, please show me.
Well, you did write this about Morpheus in a thread a few months, back, the one where you attempted to claim Cofty and I are the same person, said I was mentally unbalanced and showed some pretty hefty misogyny when you claimed my posts we're illogical, unlike a man's posts, all after creepily trying to call me by pet names...
Poor Morpheus' lack of intelligence.Must resort to diverting attention by posting things about me instead of addressing the subject matter of this thread and the argument in my post. What a clown!
So, you know, there's those times you insulted people rather than argue your points, so, you know. There you go. Ask and ye shall receive.
I love to go fishing and consider myself a fisherman.
It saddens me that this troll gives my enjoyable pastime a bad name.
tight lines, my friends.
One of my recent catches: a rio grande Cichlid
Viv, you may have an acid tongue at times, but I still love ya.
mr/mrs/ms phish just give it up, will you? You missed it this time, but we learned a lot of personal stuff about you... Much more than Morph divulged.
Take a deep breath and come back.
morph, you are truly a gentleman.
Fisherman: I changed that [the science name]. You need to re read.
Yes, you edited it out - without acknowledging the edit - either while I was preparing my post or after it was posted. You must have, after giving it second thought, finally taken your own advice that "You need to read."
Does that really mean I didn't read your post? Or are you being unnecessarily harsh, negative, judgmental, and fault finding? You did write "science", apparently without reading before you posted the first time.
ScenicViewer: knowledgeable and intelligent people are overwhelmingly against our own, given that we all come from the same background, it's time we slowed down and rethought the matter.
Fisherman: Not really.
Are you really of the 'everybody else is wrong and I am always right' mentality?'
The point here is, besides WT hate posts, would you like it if your PM was made public without your permission? Please read Marvin post and my response to him. I covered everything I had to say on this matter. Marvin posted great legal advice( I do not mean retained as a lawyer.) I mean great advice from a legal posted. Just read all of the information and you can form whatever opinion you like.I actually have earned several graduate degrees including a Phd.
By the way, if you post any remarks or insults about me, you may get a similar response from me. Should I add that to my PI. Will that make you feel better? Sorry, I am being so curt with you. Am I not just?
Viv, you may have an acid tongue at times, but I still love ya.
I've no patience for the lazy and willfully stupid, but my tongue... it's like snuggling into a blanket next to a fire on Christmas morning with a warm cup of hot cocoa.