When the core is rock rather than air, there's no need for bluster on the surface. If you know that you would kill, if necessary, with no compunction, then it is easier to tolerate a little foolishness without having to retaliate.
Are You All Talk?
by Guest 77 19 Replies latest jw friends
Jesus Christ
I tend to be very laid back or the clown of the group unless you cross that line. Then all restraint is removed. My friends and family know that I'm as harmless as a puppy to them. I don't know of anyone who knows me who doesn't feel safe with me watching their kids (which I really enjoy doing!). If you start trying to make trouble, well, just read on to see some examples. Anyone who knows me can tell you that if I'm your friend then you have someone who would give you the shirt off their back without even thinking about it but if you cross the line you better be running across it as fast as you can.
Last week I would have gotten in a fight with four guys at once (against just me) had they not backed down if that gives you any idea. They were going around starting trouble with people just trying to mind their own business and enjoy themselves when a group of idiots came around and started making a menace of themselves. They came around my family and I wouldn't take it and told them so then invited all four them to do something about it if they like. They left quietly.
A couple months ago some drunk guy was yelling his head off at his girlfriend in front of my house and was about to get physical with her until I stepped in. She got away, he almost got a knife in the chest, and he did get arrested while I was commended for stopping a potentialy violent situation.
A few years back a mom and two high school/early college sons moved in down the street from a friend. The boys were nothing but trouble and didn't particarly care for me. After trying to be the dominant male in the neighborhood the largest and most aggressive of them walked away from me in tears.
A place I used to frequent was a popular hangout for this one very large (like 6'7" and built) skin head and his friends much to the dismay of the owner. I usually just got my food, read while eating and left. Long story short, you ever see a guy like that crying while his head is bleeding? Its actually kind of funny and the owner was so thankful I got a few free lunchs over the next couple of weeks and I never again had to wait for a seat.
A certain female who I am quite close to had a guy attempt to rape her. He was smart and got out of town as soon as I found out. I actually did spend some time looking for him to make sure he would never do something like that again.
Edited by - Jesus Christ on 19 October 2002 15:17:59
nilfun quietly compiles a "who you gunna call" list of XJW muscle and files it away for a rainy day
Jesus Christ
Hey Guest, you sound like my kind of guy! We should go get some drinks sometime, my treat.
I'm a pretty mellow dude normally, but I'll get in your face if you've burned me.
A few weeks ago, near dusk, my daughter and her friend went to the park across the street from my house. Some dude followed them into the park, saying they shouldn't be there.(I found out later it was a hired security dude) The girls came running back into the house, yelling; "DAD! Some guy followed us into the park! He's still there sitting in his truck! Needless to say, I hauled ass over there to confront the dude. I told him he'd better have a good reason to be there or I'd rip him a new asshole. He hurriedly showed me his credentials and the log book that showed the rotation schedule of parks they were patrolling. I scared him so bad that he was shaking. He insisted on apologizing to my daughter for frightening her and her friend.
I'm the kind of dude that will come to the rescue if you need it. I won't hesitate.
Which dog would you be more comfortable approaching - a Great Dane or a Chihuaha? Thanks to my daughter's hobby, I spent a lot of time around dogs. I quickly learned to be careful around dogs that are nervous or insecure. A lot can be learned by the dog's bearing and body language. I have yet to meet an insecure Great Dane. These happy-go-lucky goofs love to scare trespassers, but rarely bite. They don't need to - they have nothing to prove to anybody.
Chihuahuas on the other hand... I am always careful around little dogs. Those little teeth are sharp.
So what do I have to prove? I do not need to throw my weight around to know what I am about. If I were a dog, I would be a Labrador Retriever. I love to please. Just throw me a bone once in a while.
Well, being a sensitive 5' 7" and 135 pound male, I don't engage in too much bar brawling. Geesh, if I even walk into a bar, it's like "who let the little dude in???"
I tend to be the conflict-avoidance type. Hence you won't see me post very often on a controversial thread.
This is pretty much me! My best experience to share was when I DA'd myself! It will be a fond memory for years to come!!! I was completely ready for the elders. I had advice from posters as well as Ray Franzs book. I was looking up scriptures as fast as lightning and telling them their as bad as the Pharisees. One elder ,no kidding , was pale and shakey and told me Some words can't be taken back and that I hurt his feelings because he was tender hearted. I told him ,aid and shunning hurts and he does it. Anyhow its a long story. My mouth does get me in trouble but I usually mean what I say but many times I do have to apologize. I speak first and think later.
To jjrizo; I just listened to the tape of your j d c hearing
made me so sad breaks my heart you see i know how it feels,
I was dfd in 73 never given a reason why i never understood how
these men can have no human compassion in them what so-ever.
did i ever get over it ? no and never will. i don't want to be a party to
people like that. Thanks for the info but brought back to many bad
Guest 77
JC, it's always fun to have fun. It seems that some like to spoil the party, but, they soon learn to join the party.
There were a few of us that had great times during competitive golf tournaments. Most of the guys were to afraid to let their hair down, but not us. They had put to on the 'airs' of respectability. No moxie.
Guest 77