A paduan, I work w/ Severely emotionally disturbed kids, 60 hrs. a week, & though their hearts seem to be in the right place, & he may have a chemical imbalance, this sounds like the result of severe abuse to me. No, the jw's don't tacitly condone animal cruelty. THey may even condemn it. But when was the last time you heard of someone df'd for beating the living sh&t out of their kids? Neglect? Parents using the cop out of "He does'nt love Jehovah" to avoid really dealing w/ the childs deep seated emotional problems is another one I've seen, even when a child is 9 yrs. old!! Look up the stats on fundamentalist religion & SEVERE child abuse, (not just spanking) Yes, stats can lie, but when children are given no recourse in an abusive family but to talk to untrained, often biased & bigoted elders........It really does'nt help in the same way others are allowed various Psychiatric options & foster care. THINK people, of course they don't "condone" animal sacrifice, that would look bad. THey condone child sacrifice, as is demonstrated by their willingness to spiritullay "kill" there own offspring, often times to absolve guilt @ there own shortcomings!