This is for the one anointed, self-absorbed, haughty, ignorant, blankhole of an elder. If you are lurking here, which I find quite probable, seeing you preach one thing and do another, this story is for YOU!!!!!!
The first step for me was, the above forementioned elder came to our house for a congregational "visit." Because, of course, they were so concerned about our poor, and I mean literally poor, family. This elder proceeds to give us some very IMPORTANT counsel. Counsel, you see, is very important to those who need food. Well, this elder, who is supposedly of the annointed class of loonies, proceeds to ramble on about the importance of all the robots in the kingdom hall answering the repetative questions put to them in their rags of lies. Well, when he was done with quoting some scriptures from the Bible which deal with this very IMPORTANT topic, one which I know personally Jehovah God is sitting there on his throne right now wringing his hands and condemning his children to the lake of sulphur and fire because they are not answering at the kingdom hall!!!!!!!!! I had the audacity to question this very respectedelder! He pointed out a scripture in Psalms dealing with this very IMPORTANT topic. I proceeded to point out that since that scripture comes from the psalms(definition-a sacred song or hymn)that maybe, just maybe, the writer was pointing out the importance of SINGING, not ANSWERING QUESTIONS, at the kingdom hall. He just sat there. Didn't know what to say. Guess the almighty anointed pondscum wasn't use to being questioned. This incident happened many years back. And, I know for a fact, that this loving brother still remembers this questioning of his authority down to this day.
This wasn't my first step, but just another story of loving concern by our wonderful group of loonies there at the Hall from Hell.
Mrs. Shakita, have a nice day