I just got back from the Palms casino where I lost $60 dollars. That had to be the worst game of poker I have ever had. I got home and everything just started coming to me. The lost money, me not being able to fine a job, being alone for the past month and a half and it finally happened. I completely lost it. I just crying like a little wussy. If you can image a 6'2'', 240 pound Mexican crying, it is not a pretty sight.
I don't know what is happening to me. I really need a job fast. I can't take the loneliness anymore. The closest thing I have to any human contact is this site! How pathetic! Somedays I just feel like screaming. Other times I just look at people and I just want to hurt them. I don't know why really. Perhaps, I just want to feel like I exist. I feel like I am going insane little by little. One day it will get so bad that I will lose all contact with reality and I'll end up like one of those homeless people that walk around talking to themselves.
It is a strange Catch-22. I want to be around people and have friends, but I don't know how to talk to anyone. I get nervous around new people and I don't know how to react. I don't get it. Anyway, I just had to vent again. Hopefully, I'll get a good job soon.