Hello Jesika:
I'm sorry to hear about your job situation. There are few areas in life that cause as much stress as money matters. But, as has been said, you will get through, and the experience will strengthen you.
It is good to remember that, as dire as things may seem now, the great likelihood is that in a year you will look back and realise that the situation wasn't as bad as you felt. In fact, often new possibilities open up that would not have been possible if you had kept your present job.
You said that it was "back to the drawing board", and this is very true!
You have a real opportunity now to think about what you want to do in life. You have an opportunity to plan for it. While you may feel like you need to jump into the first job that comes along, please try to think calmly and rationally about what you would like to do.
Perhaps some schooling in a subject you enjoy so that you can work in that field? You are young and smart, you can do just about anything if you plan it! Take one day just for you, and think! Ask questions. Find stuff out!
Best wishes to you. I know you will turn a lemon into lemonade!