Oh No, Not Again!

by Sentinel 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    Timothy McVeigh

    Ted Kaszkinski

  • animal


    You have my agreement with your assesment of the sniper attacks. I am waiting for it to start in more cities, myself.

    What this all proves is the govt cannot protect you. You must protect yourselves. Many of us can, most cannot.


  • Shakita


    I really feel for you down there with this looney tune methodically murdering people.

    I live in New Jersey and was at the Wal-mart last week. Upon entering the parking lot, I saw 2 police cars and the regular mall guard that is usually there. This mall is right off of 95 and I was wondering if the police were alerted to watch out for this sicko at all places where people might shop/get gas/etc... right off the highway.

    Hope they catch this guy soon before anyone else gets hurt or killed. Watch your back down there.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Francois

    MeVirginia - Are you addressing ME, m'am?

    No Apologies - Charles Starkeweather, Jeffery Dahmer. What's your point?

    Animal - Point accepted!


  • SixofNine

    Animal, you are as completely unable to protect yourself from this type of person as a 15 year old girl ambling along with headphones on lost in thought of being the next Brittany Spears. Now why did you infer otherwise?

  • animal

    Whoever is doing this knows that the general public is not armed, so he/she is safe from thier reactions. He/she also knows how the govt agencies operate, so he is safe there too.

    It was not our govts job to protect us, just our borders. It has evolved in that direction, over 200 years.

    I dont live in or around DC, so my opinion of how to deal with it is limited. If this happened in Phoenix, tho, where so many carry pistols on thier belts, eye witnesses may become the ones that stop the sniper/spree killer/terrorist.


  • Francois

    Animal, wouldn't you just love it if some 18 year-old member of the NRA, on his way back from target practice, sent the scum-bag sniper to his eternal celestial dirt nap with his 30-06 deer rifle?

    I would really enjoy listening to the liberals squak about that. Talk about the mother of all corners. It would be as funny as when Carl Rowan, noted anti-gun nut, shot a teen-age friend of his son whom he mistook for a burgular. Rowan never recovered his credibility after that. And it took several treatments to get the grin off my face.


  • Perry


    Excellent take on mattrers, especially the part about how much has changed through the judicial system. That was not how the founding fathers envisioned policies to be formed. A representative government was suppossed to uphold the will of the people. I dare say that most Americans are fed up with our immigration laws.


  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Francois, my point should have been obvious. You were going on and on about immigrants and how terrorists are entering the U.S. and what a threat these immigrants are and how its all the Democrats fault. What you seem to overlook is the fact that guys like McVeigh and Kaczinski, two of the worst terrorists this counttry has ever seen, are born-in-the-USA citizens.

    I get real tired of listening to people who blame all the problems in the U.S. on immigration. Yes there are people here illegally, yes some of them are criminals, yes some of them abuse welfare. There might even be a few terrorists who slip in. So what? There are thousands of people in each of those categories born here. Should we kick them out? (Oops, can't do that.) But lumping all immigrants together or closing the borders off is not a solution.

  • animal

    Maybe the difference is between immigrants and illegal immigrants .. I live in the Mecca for illegals, Phoenix, AZ. There are laws on the books against it, yet it is accepted. Because of this, some "bad" illegals may get in with them.

    This is only part of the problem tho, as I see it. Years of being easy on crime has also taken its toll. Kids grow up with no fear of punishment, and as adults, they do whatever they want. Many adults are put into mandatory prison terms with real violent criminals, when thier crime was not only non-violent, but in reality a non-crime (contempt of court, owning a joint, etc). They come out well educated in the ways of violence.


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