But, no one has ever ACTUALLY "Witnessed Jehovah"!
by kairos 14 Replies latest jw friends
I don't even think Jehovah has " witnessed " Jehovah if He doesn't exist. Just another perspective. LOL -
just my thoughts,
i think that the hebrew term for knowledge has a broader meaning than say it does in greek.
and i think that in isaiah when it says 'you are my witnesses' it has maybe a more personal meaning of how they the nation had witnessed God saving them and delivering them especially out of egypt in fulfilllment of his word.
maybe i think in 1925 the article on 'Birth of the Nation' and the understanding of the evidence for the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom in 1914. Which evidently was good news to be preached by those who witnessed this regarding God's Kingdom in fulfilllment of his word.
maybe from this perspective you could say they witnessed Jehovah.
An eye-witness is different to a witness. The word 'witness' can also mean proof/evidence or knowledge obtained from observing or experiencing something. -
I am willing to look at any proof or evidence. -
Kairos in the book Jehovah's Witnesses Proclaimers of God's Kingdom published 1993 Watch Tower. Page 12/13 after quotes about the meaning of witness, it says
So a witness relates facts from direct personal knowledge, or he proclaims views or truths of which he is convinced
i think it is from this point of view that I was a Witness and why I am no longer, because I am not convinced.