Scriptures The Watchtower Misapplies

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    We all know that Mt. 24:45 is misapplied regarding the faithful and discreet slave. Many are aware too, of the misapplication of the"house-to-house" or door-to-door ministry. But I have a question. How did Proverbs 27:11 get applied to Jehovah and Satan? The verse states: "Be wise,my son,and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me". Nothing in the chapter even remotely alludes to them. I'm sure there's a ton of other scriptures that you can think of that show how the Society misrepresents the Scriptures.

  • ballistic

    What about "the tent of God is with mankind"? I've been to loads of campsites and have never seen God's tent?

  • minimus

    I would really love to know when this Proverbs 27:11 got this type of misapplication. Was it another example of us against them ?

  • onacruse

    I'm struggling a bit with the term "misapplied."

    So much of what I/we find in WTS as misapplication is really a matter of the hermeneutic methodology of choice. For example, the "prophetic" passages can be interpreted from so many different perspectives: typological, preterist, historicist, futurist, idealist, premillenial, postmillenial, amillenial, pretribulationist, midtribulationist, posttribulationist, dispensational...

    I tend to look at "misapplication" in terms of overt matters like mistranslation and historical/chronological misrepresentation, of which there have been hundreds of examples provided on this board.

    Craig (of the K.I.S.S class)

    Edited by - onacruse on 20 October 2002 15:0:36

  • Satanus

    The wt method of bible study is to collect all the scriptures together that it thinks apply to one subject. It sounds workable, but the system ends up being used to have the bible say anything the wt wants it to.


  • blondie

    1 Corinthians 2:9

    9 But just as it is written: "Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him."

    How many times do you or did you hear someone apply this to the things coming in the new system? Well, its being misapplied. Even Uncle Ted knows it per below:

    w89 12/1 22 "Things Building Up Our Expectations"

    Then all listened with keen interest to Theodore Jaracz, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovahs Witnesses, who spoke on the featured theme: "Things Building Up Our Expectations." Reasoning on 1 Corinthians 2:9, he said: "This verse is not talking about things of a material kind, for the next verse, 1 Corinthians 2:10, speaks of the deep things of God. This involved Gods wisdom in relation to the sacred secret, his hidden wisdom that had come from beyond this solar system, yes, from God himself." (1 Corinthians 2:7)

    The WTS has been trying to combat this misapplication for some time but it still sticks with the average JW.

    *** g78 7/8 27-8 The

    Bibles View


    Has Not Seen nor Ear HeardWhat?

    "CLOSE your eyes and imagine the most beautiful scene you can," said the minister to his audience, "and the blessings of the New Order will be even grander,

    for the apostle Paul said, Eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those who love him." Certainly such was a thrilling prospect. But is this what the apostle Paul had in mind at 1 Corinthians 2:9? Was he talking about the unimaginable blessings of Gods new order? If not, then to what was he referring?

    So the minister who quoted those words, eye has not seen nor ear heard, should properly have pointed out that the apostle Paul was not here referring to the glorious things of the New Order that their eyes and ears might someday perceive. Rather, the apostle was calling attention to the treasures of spiritual wisdom relating to the sacred secret of the seed that were beyond the comprehension of the eyes and ears of unenlightened worldlings.

    Did this advice get through to the brothers giving talks?

    w85 9/15 30 Why Do You Want to Give a Bible Talk?

    Of course, the Scriptural basis for a public talk is furnished in the outline provided by the Watch Tower Society. Yet, the speaker can use additional or parallel scriptures, provided they apply equally well and that this is not done excessively. In this regard, the Christian minister must be careful to keep up with the increasing spiritual light. For example, a speaker might incorrectly apply 1 Corinthians 2:9 to the future earthly Paradise, whereas the context ( 1Co 2 verses 7 and 10) shows that it applies to the deeper things of Gods wisdom.

    And notice this interesting application of 1 Corinithians 2:9

    ** w54 3/1 158 Questions From Readers ***

    But to say that 1 Corinthians 2:9 allows room for believing that men from earth will be transported to other planets to populate them is not only speculative but erroneous application of the text. Paul was there showing that he did not preach the wisdom of this system of things, but Gods hidden wisdom of the sacred secret concerning Christ the King and spiritual Israel in a heavenly kingdom. This wisdom was not understood by the rulers of the world, and as applying to such blinded rulers Paul in 1Co 2 verse 9 quotes Isaiah 64:4, but he goes on to show that Christians having Jehovahs spirit are not blind to what Jehovah has prepared for them but do perceive the Kingdom blessing in store for the body-members of Christ. The text is not discussing the blessings in store for dwellers on a paradise earth, and should not be erroneously applied to them.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived..... God has revealed to us through the Spirit" It's true.

  • Stephanus

    Proverbs 8:22 - the passage is clearly a metaphorical one about wisdom being a woman, but the Tower says it's Jesus.

    Isaiah 65 is seen by Watchtowerites as referring to the Millennial kingdom, whereby a clear reading of the passage shows that it is a conditional promise offered to Jerusalem if it turns back to Yahweh

  • Undecided

    It's kind of strange how many different opposing views God has revealed in the spirit to so many different people so that there is a different brand of religion on almost any street in town. How would you know what was true revelation or what was something else? Does God reveal anything or is it just some imaginative brain waves???? I think the way the GB votes on revelation is kind of unique or maybe not since the little church I visited for a while voted on whether to accept membership in the Nazarene church.

    Was it ever revealed what the apostles saw and heard??

    Ken P.

  • Stephanus

    Matthew 6:9 is a classic case of them standing the true meaning of a verse on its head, or perhaps drawing out a meaning that's not there. Jesus tells us to address God as "Our Father" and yet the Tower applies the next line to the importance of using the name "Jehovah".

    Edited by - Stephanus on 20 October 2002 16:2:16


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