Well, its not like I post here too often, but I still occasionally browse through the various topics and catch up on what has been going on in the XJW world....After 8 months of not attending meetings I can honestly say I am much happier. My perceptions and views of "apostates" and people who abhor the watchtower society has gradually changed too....at first I was all for all of the movements and stuff like that. But now it seems almost its own cult to me, with all of its own catch phrases and "elite members". While the Silentlambs movement has done some good, I also believe that to say that the problem within the Watchtower society is worse than other religions is absurd. I also think some people involved in it are not in it with pure intentions. I think people have raised Ray Franz and Bill Bowen to an almost "saint like" status. I met some wonderful people at Princess' get together in August and had a great time meeting people who had the same experiences as my wife and I. But now I think its time for me to move on, delete this site from "my favorites" and live life. Best wishes to all of you, anyone please feel free to email me at
DIM - 8 months out
by DIM 15 Replies latest jw friends
I understand what you mean. I am over the jw's myself. It's just this addiction I have to people that keeps me here. I get attached and do not want to give that up.
I wish you well in life and hope that maybe from time to time you will drop in just to let us know how you're doing.
DIM, congratulations on getting on with your life. I wish you well and hope happiness follows you and your wife wherever you go in life. Take care, my friend.
Lew W (of the immensely enjoyed meeting so many at Princesses myself too class)
I didn't get to know you, but I wish you and your wife the very best!
Well, Dim, it was nice to have your acquaintance. I don't share your views of the XJW community as a whole, but maybe it's what I focus on.
I think the people SilentLambs has helped would be feeling a lot more stress and that he has done a lot of good. That does not raise someone to "saint" status.
And to denigrate Ray Franz for his efforts at helping people like me to break free is way over the line.
One more point: To deny that the WTBS has done more damage than, say, the Methodists or other mainline religions is ludicrous. It's comparing apples and oranges to compare a totalitarian group that lets its members die rather than take a blood product, etc., to a go-to-church-on-Sunday group.
I don't really understand your point of view. But please don't bother explaining it further. If you feel you should go, then go; but you shouldn't cast a negative view on everyone else.
Good luck.
Bye, Dim!
Take care,
Aw, Dim, so sorry to lose you. Give your Mrs. a hug for us. The two of you were just so nice. It is refreshing to see young people so smart and willing to risk what it took, for you two to leave your home and move so far away, to be free!!
Your other point is well taken too. I want to be involved in the silentlambs stuff, not because I think abuse is worse in the JW organization, but because that is the one I came from. If I had been a Catholic, I think I would have been supportive of their victims too, and wanting to help. My husband and I certainly do not idolize Bill Bowen or Ray Franz. Especially not after last week. Very disillusioned, but the cause is still a good one.
Later Dim, but, you'll attend future apostafests right? I mean the people up north are pretty darn nice. We've been back once already and plan another trip before long.
Welcome Dim!
looking around
what???? what did I say???????
I absolutely would attend any future get togethers of XJW's in the Northwest, please don't forget about me...
Patio -
I loved both of Ray's books, I think you took my post the wrong way. I think both books were really helpful, but some (not all) people seem to idolize him which I find just absurd. On the same topic, I think Bill Bowen has done a hell of a job and alot of good, BUT to say that child abuse is more prevalent amongst JW's compared the general population is not true. I'm not minimizing anyone's pain or hurt but hell, I bet alot of catholic kids or mormon kids or even methodist kids are hurting just as bad. I think the problem is with religion in general, to be honest.
Mulan -
we had a great time, and hope to hook up with everyone again soon.
hmmm... maybe this "quitting the board" isn't as easy as i thought.