As I stepped onto the sand of the beach I looked to the west and saw waves crashing over the distant rocks. They collided with the rocks with a mix of violence exploded into the beauty of white water, that burst into a mist that produced the colors of the rainbow as it disperse the light of our sun, all in the glimpse of one moment. One moment in time, that I witnessed in only just this first step on to the beach, imagine what the other ones were going to find. Then there were times that I climbed the higher peaks, looked over the cliff to see the canopy of the trees spread before me like a blanket quilted into the land below. With spots of green, where the trees staked out their life. Squares of blue water, where the water broke up my site. All caught in one smell that touched my senses, and told me that I was sitting at the edge of many lives, that culminated in one beautiful site. All of these things inspire me with words, and visions of thought. Yet never in my time in the Witness religion, did I find inspiration in their mundane thoughts. You would think that learning about the person who was suppose to be the creator of life. The person who was the maker of the beauties that make up our day. That I would have found moments in the meetings or times when I was reading a magazine or book. That I would have found some inspiration to say something deep, or to allow my mind to create on something that inspired me from their words. For some reason, and I believe there are many, the Watchtower publications just never inspired me. They never made me find that inner happiness that my mind enjoys, with finding thoughts to go with moments and finding meaning to the over all show that is this life. I would sit in meetings, listen to all the words delivered by the speakers. They would quote this scripture and that thought. They would deliver instruction and insight, and they would show us all the many reasons why what they said was right. Yet as I set in that chair and watched, no lights went off in my head. I did not hear their words and travel in my mind along some rainbow of color that lead to a distance meadow of peace and tranquility. I did not read their words, and think about standing before a beautiful sunset that lit the clouds with its red, purple and orange beams of light. No the imagination was replaced, the inspiration was stifled. With what, you might wonder when you see me today blending so many thoughts into one point. They were taken away with fear, they were controlled with busy work of always having something or someone else to do the thinking for me. They were destroyed by the lack of appreciation for anything that was not written by the society. Would a artist paint a piece of art, only to have it hang in a closet to never be viewed. Would a author record the deep moment of a flower opening it's peddles to the rising sun, only to have his thoughts considered trivial. No, and thus in the Kingdom Halls as I set there with those friends of my past. I wondered how much untapped talent lies at the door of this building, with no inspiration to ignite their life. I would say that the stain of lost talent is rubbed deep into the minds of those who sit and listen to the words of the speakers, who read all of the Watchtowers and Awakes. They are but a candle with no match, that sits stored deep in some corner of the closet of their mind. Never to be used to light some dark moment, never to be brought forth to show others the light it can share. So as I visit Ex-Jw boards and share some thoughts. I think it is like lighting a fire work into the air of my life and seeing what will appear. I wonder though, since your own personal exit from the Jehovah's Witnesses, have you considered exploring the creative sides of your life that you never had a chance at before. Are there artist among us, people who write poems, sculptures or even those who simple go to a moment of beauty and actually hear the inspiration that life sometimes floats to us in the wind. I ask, as I noticed something about my own life, and I wonder if others have as well. That is that, "the world gained more colors in the last few years, the words gained more meaning ... for inspiration to better and broader things is in the freedom we breath." My thought Dragon
Did the Watchtower Society inspire you?
by kenpodragon 19 Replies latest jw friends
Yet as I set in that chair and watched, no lights went off in my head. I did not hear their words and travel in my mind along some rainbow of color that lead to a distance meadow of peace and tranquility. I did not read their words, and think about standing before a beautiful sunset that lit the clouds with its red, purple and orange beams of light.
That's because you didn't have any Salvia Divinorum (commonly known as "Wow") to help you along.j/k ...sorry. I bet you're thinking damn you, nilfun, damn you!
Yes, there are artists among us. I like to draw. And look at the great stuff you write! another great post, Dragon.
I bet you're thinking damn you, nilfun, damn you!
I was actually thinking. Maybe I should mention I am not someone who does drugs. As I think some of my thoughts might have that Pink Floyd smoking high to them. (I love Pink Floyd by the way!)
Take Care
Edited by - kenpodragon on 21 October 2002 3:24:20
Isn't it wonderful to be a part of our enviorment at that single moment as the one you described in your opening paragraph? In Niciren Buddhism we call it "esho funi" or "oneness of person and enviorment. I have learned that no one can ever take the good moments away from you without your permission. Please remember this always.
I have learned that no one can ever take the good moments away from you without your permission.
It's the whole illustration of turning up the heat so slow that you do not realize you are being boiled. I was raised in the religion and thus, the grass was not greener on the other side. Because the fence was built to high to see it. I had to wait until I was older and learned how to jump.
My thought
freedomhouse3: "I have learned that no one can ever take the good moments away from you without your permission."
Inhaling the sweet smell of freedom,
the spray of the ocean breeze,
catching the essence of life in its sum,
the rustle of wind through the trees.
Salvia Divinorum (commonly known as "Wow
Saliva who? I want to learn more about this.
Kenpo. I got lost on the original point of yourthis thread with what you wrote below it. Anyway...
I was a dub.... that soon the earth would end and I would live in a Paradise. Was this what you meant?
Extry! extry! Read all about it! According to some, gets you closer to god faster than you can say "Watchtower!"
Kenpo. I got lost on the original point of yourthis thread with what you wrote below it
My point was that it would seem the "truth" would have inspired people and yet it did not. The drug reference was from "nilfun" and mentioned as a gest in reference to my thought.
Take Care
Dragon, I want to apologise if my first post offended you in any way. I really enjoy reading
your posts and I never want to give you the impression that I would ever make fun of your work.
Hey, you know what? Your well written posts make me want to be a good writer too!
I'm sorry.