I have a ton of mental issues. Etc. Oh well. Sometimes I get scared.
But then I stop and think - I'm dealing with issues that are way over my head! That's what the watchtower does! Every time it comes out, its about the hidden dangers of trash disposal, or the secret spiritual hazards involved with secondhand smoke. It's boogeymen.
Jesus gave very good advice, "SUfficient for each day is its own badness."
So. Relax. Tackle the problems you can handle, humbly work what you can find, improve the things you can see. Worlds do not change because of votes, but because of how each one of us as individuals hold up or betray our civilizations. Are you really worried about our country? Then help your fellow countrymen by volunteering at the local homeless shelter, or pick up some litter, or join a clean water campaign. God doesn't need another King or President or Governing Body to save the world for him. He wants little people like you and me who don't mind doing the grunt work of worldsaving. I'm going to become a nurse, and I'm going to be good at it because I know WHY I'm doing it.
Many people are tripping over things that are stirred up for us - but they might not even be real! Governments are not above making the populace afraid of things to drive them in desired directions. the WT did it to me all the time. No wonder we have anxiety and mental disorders!
Anyway, the best thing I can say is repeat Paul's words, "Faith, Hope and Love, and the greatest of these is Love."
Hope I encouraged you if nothing else.