Robdar, I had endometrois really bad in my late teens and 20's. I tryed many times to treat it with lazor surgury, but it always came back, worse than the last. Even though I knew I wanted children one day, I couldn't take the pain anymore. After my last lazor surgury, I had to have an emergency complete hysterectomy. I was 28. I regret not having children though. Sometimes that's really tough, but somethings we just don't have control over. After my hysterectomy, it was like someone had taken a knief out of my lower back. The pain was gone, in fact, I had forgot what it was like to live pain free, I had been sick for so long.
Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 2 November 2002 17:8:51
Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 2 November 2002 17:13:9