Women Only, Please.

by Robdar 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tinkerbell4125

    Robdar, I had endometrois really bad in my late teens and 20's. I tryed many times to treat it with lazor surgury, but it always came back, worse than the last. Even though I knew I wanted children one day, I couldn't take the pain anymore. After my last lazor surgury, I had to have an emergency complete hysterectomy. I was 28. I regret not having children though. Sometimes that's really tough, but somethings we just don't have control over. After my hysterectomy, it was like someone had taken a knief out of my lower back. The pain was gone, in fact, I had forgot what it was like to live pain free, I had been sick for so long.

    Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 2 November 2002 17:8:51

    Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 2 November 2002 17:13:9

  • Tinkerbell4125

    p.s. Robdar, let us know what you end up having done, K? We'll be thinking about'cha! If you decide to have a hysterectomy, remember to not do too much at first, don't over do it. You will be tired for awhile too. I was so sick prior to mine, it took me almost a year to feel back to normal. I went back to work before I should have too, but I was the only one supporting myself at the time and didn't have a choice. Give yourself at least 8 weeks before you go back to work. I also stopped taking estrogen about 6 months ago because of the health risks of breast cancer. It runs in my family. Please keep us informed on how you are doing, k?

    Anybody got a baby they want to give me!

  • wildfire

    HI ROBYN.... I had a hysterectomy when i was 38 ,, i was having severe pain on my right side so i couldnt even work... (i was a waitress at the time and a single parent so i needed to work and get rid of the constant pain..) i found out I had an ovarian cyst....that was growing so my doc said I should get a partial one so i wouldnt start menopause right then so they took everything except my left ovary which was ok..... and I had a good friend come to my home to help with my little kids.....thank god for her .. it took me about a month to recouperate.... i am a slow healer...... but i wa s never put on any hormone replacement therapy... after that but i can tell you this its great not toooo have those periods...... for sure so i wish you the best

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