To Maximus

by Big Tex 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Farkel, I'm nobobdy, and I mean no disrespect to your friend. However, if you feel this is in anyway offensive, please have Simon delete it immediately and please accept my profound apology.

    To Maximus

    We've never met, but I feel as if I have come to know you through your messages on this board. Please excuse me, but I've taken the liberty the past few weeks to read through the archives and, in particular, your postings. I've come to know not the literal man, but the inner person inside who shines through with his wit, intelligence, compassion, kindness and most of all, goodness. I've come to know your spirit, your soul, and it's an old soul; wise and gentle. In your messages, what is clear is that you were genuinely interested in helping others, not out of a self-centered motive but out of honest concern for your fellow man. This is the true expression of Christianity, for you did not seek any benefit to yourself. You gave, without expectation of receiving.

    You once wrote: " Click on the envelope to the left to see my hotmail address, and feel free to use it" and I am truly sorry your kind invitation was abused. Farkel has said that you have been hurt, quite badly, by people here who took advantage of you. This report has hit me hard. I've spent hours lately lurking through old messages, long since forgotten, but to me it is all brand new and fascinating. The information, advice and warnings you wrote have meant a great deal to me. Sometimes I felt like a child listening as the adults talked around the table. And I can't help but think if what you wrote means that much to me now, how much more it has meant to the men and women you've met face to face. How many people have you counseled in order to open their minds? How many lonely Bethel brothers did you provide a shoulder to cry on? And how many times did you just listen as someone poured out their innermost thoughts?

    I am not one given to expressions of emotion. Indeed, there have been many times my unemotional facade has protected me. Yet when Farkel told how you had been devastated, I broke down and truly grieved. Despite everything, I still believe, perhaps foolishly, in God, a Higher Power who will one day correct human folly. I choose to believe God, this Higher Power, is aware of your good deeds and loving attitude. I choose to believe your God smiled his approval and holds you close.



  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Did Maximus leave the forum due to needless abuse? If this is what I'm thinking, it would remind me of the overweight teenager who outwardly remark that the comments made about his weight did not bother him, then commits suicide. He left a note saying, he could not bear the criticism.

    Guest 77

  • hawkaw

    General Maximus is one cool dude.

    He phoned me up out of the blue when Marvin, Max and I worked on the Dr. Gorman letter (Go read the Oct. 15, 2000 WT rag, QFR and you will see what I mean). After that he was one of the few who understood my investigations of monochorionic gestation and how it related to the blood doctrine (ie. 2 individuals (ie. fetuses) "naturally" sharing whole blood). I remember posting all about it in March 2001 and got zero responses. Then I told Max all about it a few months later. After Max did his annoucement, I was able to really get the information out to the free world. I can't thank him enough. Of course some silly UN scandal kinda slowed me down a little but I managed to release and publish my information on the "Research on the Watchtower" web site.

    Maximus, last I heard, is definitely not very well and I have missed him. His sickness is the reason why he is not here and not responses from some posters on this board. He was only around for a little bit during the start of the UN scandal and of course has missed a lot of the major press that Bill and the gang have received. I am very proud of him and what he did accomplish.

    With any luck, he may come back but not right at the moment.

    What was General Maximus' comment near the beginning of movie titled "Gladiator" .... hmmm ... I think it went ... WHEN I GIVE THE SIGNAL, UNLEASH HELL!!! .... yeah, I think we've done that around here.


    Edited by - hawkaw on 22 October 2002 7:59:40

    Edited by - hawkaw on 22 October 2002 8:0:54

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    hawkaw, thanks for the info.

    Guest 77

  • minimus

    MAXIMUS, if you are reading this, many here realize the board will NEVER be the same without you. I hope your health improves. You are in our thoughts.

  • blondie

    I miss him too.

    But I can understand why he might not want to come back. I have already seen what only a few unhappy people can do with their words. I guess some felt his past made him an acceptable target.


    Thanks Maximus.

  • ozziepost


    In life, some persons are very special to us, for many diffrent reasons. You touched our hearts with your e-mails and encouraged Mrs Ozzie greatly.

    Hardly a day goes by, that Mrs Ozzie doesn't ask after you. I hope you have peace. Please know you're in our thoughts and hearts.

    Our e-mail addy is the same.

    Ozzie and Mrs Ozzie

  • AlanF

    While Maximus was hurt by posts from a few losers last year, the reason he quit posting was because of extremely serious health and personal problems. He has spent the last year healing. He and I have had limited contact during that time, but recently he seems to be getting better. Time will tell if he returns to his old self.

    Maximus happens to be one of the finest and most brilliant people I have ever known. His concern for his fellow human beings is astounding, and likely makes him one of his own worst enemies.

    If anyone wants to say anything to Maximus, please post it and I will see that he gets it.


  • JT


    is one of but a handful of posters that i have met in the 6 yrs of posting-- who i have spoken with personally who has a background in the INNER WORKINGS of the Org that are just UNREAL

    his knowledge of the org allows one to see a side that very few are allowed to even see,

    the vast majority of bethelites like myself and others would never have access to the things that he did

    we all look forward to the day he returns to share those GOLDEN GEMS

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    Thanks. I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Whether Maximus returns or not, his good health is more important. I'm very pleased to hear from you that he is doing better. Thanks again

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