How terribly sad. What puzzles me is the fact that so many stay in the org. after being mistreated so often. My parents have been very badly treated for many years in more than one cong. yet they stick with it. How many times do you have to be kicked while you are down before you realize that this org. is not acting as they preach. John 13:35
"It's a conscience matter"
by expatbrit 23 Replies latest jw friends
thinkers wife
And you good folk are SURPRISED about this?
Are you all aware that the WTB&TS has stated under oath to the European Court of Justice (or some such body) in connection with a case arising from Bulgaria that it takes NO POSITION, nor tries to tell any JW what to do on the issue of blood? That it is up to the individual?
Perhaps this is one of those dodges where the GB takes the position that in allowing a transfusion, the victim is revealing they no longer want to associate with the JWs. Jesus Christ, what a slimy dodge that is.
The more I know of JWs and their GB, the more I like my dog's shit.
I want to debate any one or ALL of the GB. Anytime. Anywhere. I want to debate them on ANY of their teachings. ANY. In public. Now. Today. Next week. Whenever. Except for the teaching about hell, the only thing they ever got right. Does anyone think they'll do it? Neither do I. And this is the same bunch that crowed so loudly in their publicaction "Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose" about now none of the clergy, after a time, would come out and debate them like men. NOW WHO IS HIDING? ARE ANY OF YOU JW GOVERNING BODY BASTARDS LISTENING?
hey tw,
I have family-in-law who think just like your family. They put up with most local elders as being stupid, mean, non-caring, liars, power driven, etc., because "the elders are just imperfect men." "Not all witnesses are like that." "We're taught not be be like that." "Only Jehovah can read our hearts." "Jehovah will judge them." on and on and on and on and on and on until the famous "Wait on Jehovah."
But they look to the Society as God's Only Channel for Mankind. Imperfect? yes, but still given to God's spirit - thus, "Where else can we go for our spiritual food?" "God's Organization is not imperfect, only the men running it."
The locals have learned their lessons well from the WTBTS. Perhaps a major reason so much depression is prevelant among the Spiritual Paradise group. "We're depressed because of the system we have to live in."
"Look to Jehovah, not to men." We have access to more trite sayings than any other group of religious fanatics, imho. Lord, those sayings are said all the time around here!waiting
Hello Francoise,
No, I don't believe any of the regular posters here are surprised at the tactics used by the WTBTS. We've done our reading, thought, and come to conclusions. We were duped.
As for debating the WTBTS, any or all, on any or all doctrines - don't hold your breath. They're not about spiritual doctrines. They're about money. And they're good at it.
It's hard to beat a man at his own game. Author Unknown
: Are you all aware that the WTB&TS has stated under oath to the European Court of Justice (or some such body) in connection with a case arising from Bulgaria that it takes NO POSITION, nor tries to tell any JW what to do on the issue of blood? That it is up to the individual?
Are you also aware that high-ranking officials of the society later sarcastically said, "we sure pulled a fast one over on those dumb Slavs!"?
Are you also aware that high-ranking officials of the society later sarcastically said, "we sure pulled a fast one over on those dumb Slavs!"?
I certainly believe it, considering the Society's tacit position on all non-Americans and non-whites. According to them, Jews are greedy misers, blacks are a cursed yet teachable servile race, and the ancestors of Mexicans are a backwards, underdeveloped people. Anybody want quotes? Man, I wish I were only making this up!
So I guess the Society's position here is that bigotry is a conscience matter, too?
Ahh yes, the old "conscience matter" line...
I totally sympathize with that sister. I bet it is hard to find employers who are understanding of all of JWs different beliefs.
I agree with Prisca's statement, but more along the lines of, "You'd better do what we are implying or you will be riddled with a horrible guilty conscience." And of course, you are taught if you get this guilty conscience, then chances are you did something wrong and may be doomed. They sure have a way of messing with your mind!
TR, that is the 2nd time that pic has jumped out at me! LOL
i fail to see the differentiation between a conscience/non conscience directive from the gb - either way you're still being told to what to think even if what you're being told to think is - "you can think for yourself on this or that particular matter"
thinkers wife
You hit the nail right on the head. I have heard my parents utter all those very words. Still sad though.