Will the GB use the on going conflict with Muslim extremists as a sign of the end being near?

by adjusted knowledge 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge

    I haven't read over much of the recent articles in the last decade from the WT.  I wonder if they will mention Muslim extremists and use that fear as a control mechanism on their members.  I have a feeling they will resist mentioning Islam specifically.  They have no problem bashing Catholicism or other religions since they don't have to worry about physical retaliation.  I don't think they have the courage to attack Islam.  They know they would be a target like in Paris recently.

    I can remember even in the 90's where they gave a special talk on how to witness to Muslims.  It was a much more tactful approach.  In fact if anyone knows of any articles in the Watchtower or Awake! critical of the Muslim faith I would be interested.  More interested in recent articles in the last 10 years from the organization.

    Its amazing how they like so many other groups are critical of many Faiths but very few will attack Islam. 

  • notsurewheretogo
    99% of the world has no idea who JW's are and I'm sure ISIS or the Taliban are not interested in the JW's even if they did mention Islam.
  • OnTheWayOut

    I agree with notsurewheretogo on the first part of his sentence, but if they got any mileage out of statements attacking Islam as hard as they attack Catholicism, I imagine some radical Islamic group would focus on Watchtower for a while.  Watchtower would then be afraid of Islam and afraid of a public reaction to the issue, which would most likely be to avoid JW's carts so as to avoid becoming a target.  

    I second this:  I don't think they have the courage to attack Islam.  They know they would be a target like in Paris recently.

  • bemused
    Logically they should - much bigger threat to their religion than Russia, UN etc.  However I agree, there's no way they'd dare do it.
  • insidetheKH

    The following will happen.....

    These Islamists with their Islamic terror will accomplish that the world will get rid of religion.

  • OneEyedJoe
    They don't directly attack islam, but they have no qualms about using terrorism in their fear mongering to "prove" that we're in the last days.
  • blondie

    Public Address by Watchtower Bethel representative Ciro Aulicino,  October 2001, South Carolina, USA

    Look at the map and see how big the Islamic empire is. I was told that it has more than Christendom. So maybe we have been looking at the wrong part of Babylon the Great. It is the most aggressive. It is the one that is irritating the King of the North and the Wild Beast, isn't it? So we have to stay alert, friends.

    We do not know everything, but Jehovah is giving us enough clues to keep us aware. Stay awake. Now when the nations begin devastating Babylon the Great including all these religions, including the aggressive terroristic ones, it's going to signal the beginning of the great tribulation. Now there's no turning back. This is the beginning of the end for all of Jehovah's enemies. But, friends, like we said yesterday at our kingdom hall, it is the beginning of a new beginning for all of us who are his friends. Isn't that beautiful. And it means that the fourth development foretold by Jehovah God is about to begin. A development that is going to test our faith and trust in Jehovah to its very foundation. Now, friends, if we hope to survive it we must take God's prediction of this particular aspect as a very personal warning. We must be prepared for its coming. We must keep ourselves in expectation of it. All the more so since Jehovah has not revealed many things about it but just given us what we need to know.

    What is that development?

    It's a vicious attack that the nations will launch against us, Jehovah's people.




     The following 30Mb MP4 video contains a 10 minute recording of a 2007 talk by Bethel Speaker Ciro Aulicino that graphically describes the massacre that Witnesses look forward to. Click here if your browser does not support the video tag.




  • sir82

    The WTS is conspicuously quiet regarding Islam, at least in print. They don't print anything at all. Virtually all of their "false religion" vitriol is directed at Christianity.

  • respectful_observer

    I wouldn't be surprised to see them declare the countries that generally align with Islam as the collective "King of the North" and those that generally align with Christendom as the collective "King of the South".

    As a side point, ISIS may not give two hoots about JWs, but I suspect the WTS is acutely aware of how violent Muslim extremists can be.  In this past week's WT Study article, there was a photo of a JW preaching in what appears to be an Istanbul-like city.  The woman in the background was wearing a hijab, but her face was completely out of focus.  The man in the background was wearing blue keffiyeh, but his back was completely to the camera, so he too was completely unrecognizable.  The WTS has no problem posing a JW model in a Roman collar for a photo, but seem a little less bold posing a JW as a Muslim.

  • truthseeker100

    The WTS is conspicuously quiet regarding Islam, at least in print.

    Just wait till the GB is securely ensconced in their underground bunkers at the new world headquarters, they might then criticize Islam in their literature and let the rank and file deal with the fallout. 

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