New BBC article on JW abuse
by snare&racket 25 Replies latest jw friends
Adding to what Joe Grundy has said, these a**hats on the JCs traumatize the abuse victims further with their probing insensitive grilling. I know, as I was one of them and the questions they asked were unbelievable and not empathetic or caring in the least. -
Joe Grundy
" I know, as I was one of them"
I am sorry. If the law enforcement authorities had known more/been better, that shouldn't have happened.
I apologise for my individual failings, and for those of the system which let you down. I could have done more to find out about this evil cult, and the others, and to try to put things right. Sorry. Don't think that I don't think about this, bear this burden, every day.
cofty - "I challenged a couple of JW young men about this on Monday and his reply was 'I don't care I don't have children'."
This article was very balanced. It also included other religious organizations in the mix, which should be pointed out to individual JWs: they are not playing favorites. -
“Joe Grundy”: “But a 'second witness' legally could include:
. . .
- Forensic evidence (DNA deposits, etc.)”
That reminds me of the scripture where God supposedly told Cain after he murdered his brother Abel: “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground.” (Genesis 4:10, RNWT) A victim is able to provide evidence in more ways than one. Yes, the truth comes out – one way or another!
"...The court had heard that both women who testified against Grynhaus in the case had been 'ostracised' by their community as a result of speaking out about their ordeal..."
"...For young Muslim girls, the price of speaking out about child sexual abuse can also be high, with many reluctant to report such abuse because of the fear that it would bring shame on them and their family..."
And once again, I'm asking the question, "What the hairy blue f**k is wrong with these people?"
Halbanana - "...good negative publicity for putting people off Jehovah's Witnesses."
Boy, you said it.
At this point, I'm almost inclined to think they don't want people to join.
From my JW mom after I posted the link on FB.:
" I wish you would not discuss religion on facebook. I don't like you putting things on facebook about the withness's true or not. This is really none of your business since you don't believe anything about my religion."
From the lady who will go out in FS tomorrow to tell people about all the religions she doesn't believe in being Babylon the great.
JWdaughter, I've had similar reactions from family. It's just another way of not having to face facts because jws have to stay in their insulated bubble of J-fiction. They can't really help it, though, the brainwashing is deep.
This sham religion calls itself "the truth", but the real truth is that if you're still in and bring up factual points that expose the Borg you'll get kicked out, and if you're out and bring up factual points that expose the Borg, it doesn't count because you're not "in".
For real truth lovers, the Borg is a lose-lose situation.
But but but... There's a nice PR piece (most likely made by JW's) on everything they're doing for advancement in bloodless surgery... -
cultBgone - "...if you're still in and bring up factual points that expose the Borg you'll get kicked out, and if you're out and bring up factual points that expose the Borg, it doesn't count because you're not 'in'."
That sums it up so well.