Who is your leader?

by kenpodragon 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • kenpodragon

    In all religion we are taught to respect a title rather then a person. We are educated to look to the meaning behind the title, and to accept that this image is the reflection seen in the men that carry the name. This thinking sounds so good when explained, but lacks so much in action. So where does true respect come from? Who should we respect?

    True respect does not have a title like elder, priest, or father. These names associate to terms that have been abused and bent to cause fear, and not respect. In my life I have respected far more people without titles then I have ones that wield authority by mandate. I base respect upon.

    Wisdom, and with that wisdom comes the ability to realize that their path to attaining wisdom is merely a guide to examine and not a road to follow. Wisdom that realizes there is a time to teach and a time to listen.

    Honor, in that they honor themselves and honor others to have views and to have their own freedoms. Also, do they honor the vast knowledge of our universe in realizing that it is far larger then any one man or organization. Realizing that knowledge is endless, and not limited to one view.

    Experience, in that they have a measure of a experience in life and understand a possible outcome to certain problems and events. While also having enough experience to realize that not all outcomes are predictable and at times chaotic.

    Compassion, for themselves and for others known and ones unknown. Compassion for the universe, does not mean caring for those you know and touch in your life, but also for those far away and for those not yet living. Leaving a better world for the future generations.

    Education, not with college necessarily. Love for education and ability to keep learning and absorbing new ideas and concepts. A open enough mind to realize that every day is a classroom, and that the universe has multiply text books.

    Trust, in that they realize the importance of a shared word and shared feeling. That they look to you with the same guidelines as they place upon themselves.

    So when I respect someone and say that I value their word, it is no mere statement based on a title. I might respect a title because of what you represent, like the "President of the United States", but that does not mean I respect the man or woman. I have to get to know you first, and to learn if you are worthy of the real title that entitles, "respect."

    When someone sets themselves above me and says they my leader. They instantly go through the filter of all the points I have above. If they can not come to the end, and still look like a leader. Then they are nothing more then a man with a title like "elder" or "ministerial servant". Which are titles without meaning, if you do not understand the meaning of true leadership.

    How do you feel about those who are in leadership?

    Just wondering


  • onacruse

    My Heart is my leader.

    I've ignored my Heart far too long.

    Time for another journey, down a new road, with new love.

    On-a-Cruse (through life)

  • kenpodragon
    My Heart is my leader.

    Good point, very few seem to make it through my personal filter, but my own personal heart seems to fit the requirements.

    My thought


  • Tatiana

    Honor, in that they honor themselves and honor others to have views and to have their own freedoms. Also, do they honor the vast knowledge of our universe in realizing that it is far larger then any one man or organization. Realizing that knowledge is endless, and not limited to one view.

    Kenpo....I really like this "filter".....not limited to one view. If only everyone could have an open mind about other's beliefs. What a better place the world would be.

    I've never looked up to anyone just because they had a title. They have to earn it. Right now, "President of the United States" doesn't mean a whole hell of a lot to me. Ever see the Stephen King movie, The Dead Zone? (not the TV series)

    Martin Sheen reminds me a whole lot of old Georgie. Gives me the creeps....where's Christopher Walken when we need him?

  • clash_city_rockers

    kenpodragon wrote:

    True respect does not have a title like elder, priest, or father. These names associate to terms that have been abused and bent to cause fear, and not respect. In my life I have respected far more people without titles then I have ones that wield authority by mandate. I base respect upon.

    I can simpathies with some of your synical apprioch with those who are called to positions of authority. Especially when some of those who are called to guide the conscience of the thier people are scandalous in thier own living and how they treat others. But in our circles (the reformed christian faith) those who go into leadership have already been examend by the one whom they are going to lead for aproval. If one is called into leadership then that implies that the has the respect and has demonstrated the integrety of being a true leader in the estamation by those "common folk" in the pue. They are also, accountable to those to whom they minister to.

    onacruse wrote:

    My Heart is my leader


    How can one have certianty that what his heart is telling him is true or that his heart is mis-leading him. Inclanations of the in matters of metaphysics, epistamology and ethics change from one direction to the other. Inclanations of the heart is like Watchtower Theology when one doctrinal asertion is claimed to be true one day and then false the next. With your heart as your guide how can you have any assurance that your heart will not lead you astray every time you follow your heart.



  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Common sense will never steer you in the wrong direction. There are no schools, universities or colleges that give out diplomas for common sense, either you have it or you don't.

    As to titles and labels, that's exactly what they are, lifeless, it doesn't have the 'human' compassionate touch.

    Guest 77

  • Kenneson


    Your post reminds me of the "experts" who are constantly interviewed on the news channels. Somehow that magic word is supposed to make them the final authority on any topic. Turns me off.

  • onacruse

    JJ: "Sure people can follow their hearts, but their hearts can be dead wrong,"

    This is true, but in retrospect on my first 50 years, my heart would have led me into a LOT fewer pitfalls than following so-called "experts" did. Especially JW experts (now there's an oxymoron for you).

    I'll take heart-odds over brain-odds. And, fwiw, I think Jesus would say essentially the same, considering that the theme of his life was love for and sensitivity to his fellow man.


  • kenpodragon
    But I do know that there was a person that fit all those qualities who lived 2000 yrs ago and the majority of people didn't like what he had to say.

    I know people say Jesus is the only leader, but you know I think their is a small bit of leadership in everyone if they find a proper balance in life. I feel if we say Jesus is the only one, and no one can reach that level. Than we are allowing people who wish to lead to not put the proper effort forth to help others. Yes, no one is perfect! Yet some try a little less then others to be so and some of those are in leadership positions.

    My thought


  • kenpodragon
    I haven't met anyone to come close to what he did

    I agree, the person described in the Bible, as Jesus, seems unreachable. Yet I always point something out to people. For the most part in the stories of Jesus he really only lead 12 men, and some people today are leading thousands. He only led for about three years too, when some today have been leading for decades. In this respect, you have to measure the quality of ones leadership based on the amount of responsibility they have upon them.

    My personal scale allows for "experience" to be a measure of leadership.

    My thought


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