Some wackly questions 4 JEHOVAH'S WITNES

by badboy 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy


    Do U believe that Neanderthals/Cro-magnons were bound 2 God in a Covenant relationship?

    A religious group in America doesn't believe in saying the names of the days because they R of pagan origin,should U therefore do the same to prove U R less pagan?

    I wonder what answer I would receive?

  • minimus


  • badboy

    It would startle them 2 hear such Questions,for a start.

  • freeman


    As far as Neanderthals and Cro-magnons being bound to God in a covenant relationship, I believe they were. If I recall correctly, in the holy cave writings, God provided the symbol fire as an everlasting sign of this covenant. The everlasting sign lasted until God put out the fire during the flood, followed of course by yet another everlasting sign of the rainbow.

    It seems I very vaguely remember some tidbit about a JW calendar that eliminated the pagan references. Im thinking this was long ago in JW history, like maybe from the 1930s or so. Then again maybe my memory is playing tricks on me again; see why you should stay away from drugs, dont do drugs.

    Seriously, someone such as Alan F. or another sharp poster may be able to confirm the theocratic calendar, or my dementia, perhaps both.


  • berten

    >It seems I very vaguely remember some tidbit about a JW calendar that eliminated the pagan references.

    I remember from my JW days that there was a time when the WTS decided to stop selling

    calendars because they considered them too pagan.This went on for a few years after I left.

    Now they are selling calendars again,

    "New Light" probably ?

  • Oroborus21


    Regarding Cro-Magnon, Neanderthals, etc. I think most witnesses would avoid the question.

    I don't believe in evolution myself so my answer is that what we consider to be "primitive man" and have labeled these branches of "persons" of humanity are nothing more than just regular men living at that age. Now as we peer back at their way of life (our lenses are warped with our theories) we have distorted what were ordinary persons living in the simple conditions of that time. Let a 4 or 5 thousand years go by and see if the scientists of the future don't label us as some other distinct branch of human. It is silly.

    As for the calendar/days of the week, etc. The plain fact of the matter is that witnesses pick and choose which "superstitious" and "pagan" customs or things with such connotations they will avoid or not avoid--COMPLETELY ARBITRARILY. All of which is dictated by the Society. If the Society says saying "God Bless You" is ok, all the witnesses would begin saying it. If the Society started its own non-pagan nomenclature for a calendar and days of the week, the Witnesses would follow it.

    I have done a lot of research on superstitions etc. and the fact of the matter is that EVERY thing has some connotation depending on the cultural context. So the reality is to admit that one is just going to be arbitrary in this area or better yet not to worry about it at all.


  • JeffT

    They did for a while use their own calendar and days of the week. It was in the 20's/30's. All of the names were pulled from the Bible. I'm not sure when they dropped it, but I'm certain that it was because 1) nobody could figure out what day it was, and 2) it made them look totally whacked out.

  • NeonMadman
    I remember from my JW days that there was a time when the WTS decided to stop selling calendars because they considered them too pagan.This went on for a few years after I left. Now they are selling calendars again, "New Light" probably ?

    I seem to remember that they gave the excuse that they stopped the calendars because they were taking up time and energy to produce that could have been better spent producing literature to bring people into the Truth (TM). Since the end was so close, they didn't want to waste their resources on unimportant things like calendars.

    Guess they decided there was more time left than they thought, huh?

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