That cat picture slays me! LMAO
by MegaDude 13 Replies latest social entertainment
That cat picture slays me! LMAO
Hey Syn,
You changed the picture! WTF?
The record companies could have set up a Pay Napster before any of this stuff happened but they are to %@#%%# full of themselves. They have been screwing artists for decades; I hope they get flushed down the toilet.
Some of these poor old artists Clinty are actually greedy B's themselves. True enough there may be immoral managing directors heading some of the bigger companies, whose primary focus is $$ .... but "darling little down trodden artists" that work for the major labels ?? I think not. These guys are suckling on a mighty cash cow and happy to do so.
Those that are impacted most by the scourge of Internet freebies, are basically the little guys struggling to make a living ... ahem ... me and the label I work for in the UK. My boss who runs the label makes money. True enough, he is in it to make cash. He is a nice guy and thoroughly decent and upfront. Do you think it's right that he invest his own money in a new artist, for that artist to then have his music thrown around the globe for jack-shit ??
Just a thought ...