Circuit Assembly outline
by jdubsnub 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've been out of the religion for a little while now but my family is still "strong in the truth". I got a call today asking if I could stop by to have a discussion. They just had their circuit assembly and this is typically when they decide to talk to me, while they're spiritually energized hah. Can anybody post the talk titles or any notes they have so I don't go into this blindsided. Thanks! -
Sorry I don't have any details of the CA. But I just wanted to post and tell you that it's a good idea to be prepared in advance.
All the best
Kate xx
I'll be honest - I went but didn't pay very good attention. There was a part that probably particularly affected your family, though. They talked about inactive people, and gave a bunch of reasons why someone might be inactive (realizing it's a cult and a scam wasn't among them, surprisingly) and encouraged people to "help" their inactive relatives.
That's exactly what I was looking for OneEyedJoe! I figured there was a talk that stirred them up.
the site has this now...
The program is on the borg website also. You know the ones they pass out when you walk in? You can get the digital version on their website under "publications".
Here is the program. I wonder which talk discussed inactive ones.
St George of England
I think it's the other Circuit Assembly programme, "Keep Seeking Jehovah's Righteousness"
Program 2014-2015
Keep Seeking Jehovah’s
Righteousness! —Matt. 6:33.
9:30 Music
9:40 Song No. 40 and Prayer
9:50 “Whoever Pursues Righteousness . . .
Will Find Life” (Circuit overseer)
10:05 Symposium: Help Others to Seek
Jehovah’s Righteousness
˘ Those “Rightly Disposed for
Everlasting Life”
˘ Our Children
˘ “One Another”
˘ Those Who Have Become Inactive
11:05 Song No. 45 and Announcements
11:15 ‘Recount Jehovah’s Righteousness All
Day Long’
11:30 Dedication and Baptism
12:00 Song No. 7
1:00 Music
1:10 Song No. 56 and Prayer
1:20 Public Address: How Can You
Distinguish Right From Wrong?
(Circuit overseer)
1:50 Summary of The Watchtower
2:20 Song No. 69 and Announcements
2:30 Symposium: “Pursue Righteousness”
by . . .
˘ Living With Soundness of Mind
˘ Fleeing From Materialism
˘ Fleeing From Youthful Desires
˘ Not Becoming Unevenly Yoked With
3:30 “Jehovah . . . Loves the One Who
Pursues Righteousness”
3:50 Righteous Ones Will Praise Jehovah
Forever (Circuit overseer)
4:10 Song No. 4 and Prayer
Listen for the Answers to These Questions:
1. What will we find if we pursue Jehovah’s
righteousness? (Prov. 21:21)
2. What obligation do we have to people of
all sorts, both inside and outside the
congregation? (Prov. 24:11)
3. How can we imitate the way Noah kept
seeking first God’s righteousness?
(Ps. 71:15)
4. How can we distinguish right from wrong?
(Heb. 5:14)
5. What will help us to pursue righteousness?
(1 Tim. 6:11)
6. How does Jehovah feel about those who
pursue righteousness? (Prov. 15:9)
7. What will it take for us to praise Jehovah
forever as righteous ones? (Ps. 112:1-6)
CA-copgm15- EGeorge
Alright, I am going to this assembly on saturday, any hints of how I shall endure it?