A MODERN FICTION: the lie which became a GOVERNING BODY

by TerryWalstrom 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The over all understanding of what the leaders of the WTS have done is just draw up their own appealing power and control, irregardless of their many false teachings which could truthfully be considered apostasy of bible scripture and of Jesus own words.

    The WTS's leaders created and sold their own power to the public looking for ones who they could mentally subdue, exploit and manipulate, it only has 8 million to date which is a pretty poor track record for a religious institution , in few of its long standing door to door preaching tactics.

  • TerryWalstrom

    I'd love to be able to talk to somebody who has been in, and remained in, since the 1950's who could talk about all the changes. I know there is an infinite capacity to make excuses. That is a given. But, surely there is a cumulative sense that the world has turned under the feet of the older ones and nothing is really the same anymore except the name Jehovah's Witness.

    How many shifts is too many?

    How much awareness (on the inside) has worked its way into the consciousness of the rank and file concerning pedophile lawsuits?

    I'd love to know.

    Who I be surprised?

  • moggy lover
    moggy lover
    Wow! this is one well researched and written article. Thanks Terry.
  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Thanks Terry for your arduous research. Since going off the gold standard of the "generation of 1914" this doomesday cult has a real credibility problem at the top of the organisation.

    On what demonstrable authority do they seek such control?

    The only authority they now have left to them is simply that they have inherited it as leaders of the cult. Oh! How they hate being called leaders but that’s what they plainly are. The whole raison d’être of the organisation was to announce that JC came in 1874. It was this unprovable claim which gave Russell his authority, it was to climax with God removing all his enemies by 1914. This became obsolete as have all subsequent claims for divine pronouncements of their organisation, yet the revisions of ‘truths’ have never stopped the money coming in; the masterstroke in cult organisation! No money no cult. Their forebears had through a century of propaganda and promise of unattainable hope, built up the Watchtower giant of today with millions of gullible followers and billions of Dollars. Any organisation needs directors, theirs is a religious one ...all religions will claim their leadership to be authorised by God and yet all they can say, without any demonstrable authority is, “Obey us.”

    It is like a tragic merry-go-round with enough inertia to keep spinning and enough suckers who will listen to the callers at the religious fairground... and be taken for a ride.

  • steve2
    A compelling and thoroughly cited overview, Terry. You capture so well the organization's own convoluted thinking over the decades leading to today's highly simplistic - and Biblically unsupported - view of the GB as the faithful and discrete slave entrusted with feeding the domestics. Of course, the rank and file demonstrate by their blind faith zero interest, let alone concern, about their own brothers scriptural wizardry, not just today but in the past.
  • Terry

    If you really want breath-taking details on the history of the Governing Body,

    take a look at Doug Mason's PDF


  • Tenacious

    Terry - excellent research and breakdown of this belief.

    I always enjoy reading your insightful commentary.

    Thank you sir.

  • Aleph

    well see the explanation of the "bad slave" ...now of course there ain t no bad slave, impossible (they know better than Jesus?).

    Sorry guys the warning of Jesus remains

  • Diogenesister

    Bookmarked, Terry as always

    Thank you

  • menrov

    I noticed that for most JW's, logical reasoning will not do the trick for them. I tried with my partner and it often leads to heated discussions. Moreover, it is the social life they have in the organization that motivates them And most of them have a sense of fear for the Father. Add the 2 together, and you have the reason why hardly anyone will be motivated to leave the organization because of the many changes in doctrine etc. It does not affect them. They meet their friend every week (3 times or more), do things together, they trust each other and believe that the Father will be happy with them. They reason: the gb cannot be that wrong if 8 million people globally are joined together.

    And yes, I can provide many valid, reasonable counter arguments but that simple will not do it. Until now, I would not know what the silver bullet would be......

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