Hee hee, just heard it on CNN - decline of almost 25% in America of almost all bird species.....they didn't specifically talk about the vulture population though (sigh).
Decline in Bird Population!!!!
by pettygrudger 16 Replies latest jw friends
so what's gonna peck at my flesh and eyeballs when jehoover kills me?
is an increasing vulture population actually a sing of the last days???
It's true I'm afraid.
The reason is purely down to the fact that the more we work the less time we have to keep demanding pets such as dogs.
So everyone wants a cat, and cats and birds don't mix well, unless you are an eagle. So, more cats = less birds.
I never thought my overuse of Chicken in cooking would have such a damaging affect. Time to start focusing on pork than, the other "white meat."
My thought
While in school I did a report of the effects of DDT on the bird population. The DDT gets into the birds eggs and, either the birds are born deformed, or not at all. And, the chemical makes the birds egg shells too thin and the baby bird is therefore not viable. This report was done along time ago, don't remember much more.
Really don't have much love for birds. Grew up with a slew of canary's, beebee parrots, finches, you name the bird, my mother had it. Dirty, smelly creatures.
There will be no flesh of worldly people left for the birds. We will be in Jehovah's "winepress" and the blood will be up to the horses bridles....remember? Birds hate to eat flesh mixed with that much blood.
Also many of us will be covered up by the earth....as shown in the pictures in the 'Paradise Book'
Actually the west nile virus is very deadly to birds. It has wiped out thousands of birds and is still spreading. The residents in Illinois tell me that the forests there are eerily quiet now instead of hearing birds sing. An avian researcher friend of mine at Texas A&M University tells me the problem is more serious than the public is being told.
As soon as a vaccine is developed for humans, we will probably hear more of the exact extint of the toll. Also, Newcastle's disease, thought to have been wiped out, surfaced in california and resulted in the destruction of thousand of poultry. Historically, Newcastle's disease resulted in hundreds of thousands of parrots being destroyed needlessly. In some instances The Fish and Wildlife Seervice simply marched into homes and took long cherished pets in for euthanasia.
Many fear that native endangered species will simply disappear forever.
BTW, raptors are effected as much as softbills.
When I was 8 I was riding my bike & came to close to a red-winged black birds nest (they're vicious). Anyways, it started attacking me, I fell off my bike & then in fright started running around in circles, all the while this thing was pecking at my head! Finally a passing motorist stopped & the gentlement grabbed his baseball bat out of the back seat & started swinging at it to scare it off while I grabbed my bike & pedaled as fast as I could home (all the while the bible verse running thru my head).
Its funny now, but I think I had nightmares for a week back then!!!! & dear ole hubby wants to know why I won't allow pet birds in the house
You're right Perry - its not really funny. My father used to sit on the board of the Audubon Society (he was a non-JW) and they are VERY concerned about all of this. Seems even some of the more healthy species will be extinct....which throws the whole eco-system out of whack.
But, from an "apostate" point of view - oh wait - reptiles - yuck (rhonda now will have new nightmares!)