Convention pictures #2

by borgfree 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • borgfree

    Here are more pictures. I still need one permission before posting the group picture.

    Neonmadman - I think he is thinking about getting a standing ovation after his talk, he is about to give. Grace (Mouthy) is counting her money.

    Marci (left) and Cheryl (right)singing. Elvis (Marv) resting between songs. Mike (left) and RuthAnn Harvey (right) seated. They provide the music for the convention.

    Linda seated. Tia and Joanie dancing.

    Marci singing. Cheryl taking a break. RuthAnn dancing (with a flower in her mouth) and Joanie dancing with RuthAnn.

    Dannie (left) Sunstarr (right) doing a rap song. (they were really good) RuthAnn taking a picture.

    Marv sitting. Sunstarr preparing for the next day. (toilet tissue on the table was left by some young vandals who had entered the room while no one was there)

    (L to R) Carol, Unknown Jehovah's Witness, (there were several there) and Sunstarr.

  • gumby

    Neonmadman - I think he is thinking about getting a standing ovation after his talk, he is about to give.

    Are you kidding? This guy couldn't give a talk in the back suit and tie!LOL

  • borgfree

    I think his talk was the next day. He did wear a suit and tie.

  • NeonMadman

    Yeah, what borgfree said.

    There's no "dress code" at this thing, but the speakers generally do spiff up a bit. On Friday and Saturday, I just wore blue jeans and a pullover shirt, like you see in the pic. But on Sunday, when I was speaking, I thought it apropos to get into my 'Sunday best'. So I wore a blue pinstripe suit, white shirt, and red tie, along with my black wingtips.

    But you think anyone took my picture then? Noooooo.....

  • Brummie

    Thanks for the photo's, I was there for the 20th anniversary, Helen ortaga sang, she has a fantastic story, do any of you know Pat Neeley? I get the tapes every year, would liked to have been there again.


  • WhyNow2000

    meetings, conventions, belongings....intentions were good ....result the each his/her own!

  • mouthy

    What money????? I dont have any why look for what you aint got???

    Where did you get your tie Tom ?? lol ( He had to go buy one he forgot it- we told him not to bother -but WTower training is hard to get rid off ) Right TOM.?

    Look at those two lovely young men Danny & Sunstarr( my favorites)

    Look at the mess in your room Borgfree- Shame on you .... I hoped you washed your hands whoever put the toilet roll on the eating table???

  • LovesDubs

    I was there when they taped those three John Ankerberg shows with David Reed, Duane Magnani, Joan, and...Lori McGregor. Oh man...what a trip that was! I was peeing in my pants listening to Don Nelson go on and on...just the mans eyebrows were enough to set me off again. George Carlin move over babe.

  • borgfree


    That 20 lb purse you carry can't be that heavy by being full of kleenex. You remember the two girls, one from Chicago? While we were all out one day they went into the room and turned over chairs, put Marv's peanuts in the shower, and some other mean ornery things. It was directed at Dannie and Allen of course.


  • mouthy

    In that 20 lb purse is- books- tapes-camera-Rolaids- BIBLE!!!!

    I didnt know about the girls doing that to Marv's it must have been a long time ago???Not this time? was it?

    Marv hasnt been there for awhile- the last time he was there we picketed Brooklyn Bethel together( he was my partner) Hey the pics are good......

    I had to send my tape back to Blue Mountain- Nothing on it ( the last one with the JWS on it)

    I guess the OLE DEVIL was at work!!!!!lol


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