Top 10 points proving JW belief is false.

by mamashel 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mamashel

    Ok everyone. I need some really good points to prove to my husband once and for all, everything i have learned so far is right. We were talking again last night, and he actually for the first time said he would look at the information that i have found. I have the COC book, and I dont want to throw a whole bunch of stuff at him at one time. So I was wondering if anyone could help me out with what I might offer him first. And then take the rest as we go.

    Thank you in advance for your help. You are all so wonderful, and such good friends.

    Oh, and any scriptures would really be helpful too. He likes seing something proved in the bible. I have a king james, living bible, and the NWT.

    Thanks again

    mamashel (Shelley)

  • Englishman


    Ask him to show you where in the Bible the connection is made between the parable of the FDS and the 144,000, and by implication the GB.

    It can't be done rationally.


  • Joyzabel

    Hey Mamashel,

    Also, while speaking on the subject of the FDS, point out that it is just an illustration (Matt 25). And how that slave goes on to beat he's fellow slaves. (Doesn't he feel beaten down!! Service, meetings, preparation, lots of "busy work" etc)


  • blondie

    Mamashel, disproving doctrinal points is fine but not the foundation of the problems the WTS and JWs have. Jesus said his disciples would be known by the love they actually showed (not talked about) to each other. JWs really practice this principle:


    James 2:15-16 ***
    If a brother or a sister is in a naked state and lacking the food sufficient for the day, 16 yet a certain one of

    YOU says to them: "Go in peace, keep warm and well fed," but YOU do not give them the necessities for [their] body, of what benefit is it?

    Contemporary English Version

    James 2
    15 If you know someone who doesn't have any clothes or food, 16 you shouldn't just say, "I hope all goes well for you. I hope you will be warm and have plenty to eat." What good is it to say this, unless you do something to help?

    I would look for cases of not showing love to you and your family, to others you know well, and situations in any books like COC.

    That is what convinced me and my husband was the lack of real love, it was all talk.


  • imanaliento

    is the COC book in his sight to where he can pick it up, lets say when your not around?

    my husband had the book several months before I knew it existed, when it was out in the open, at first I didn't look at it, you know we were programmed to not look at apostate literature, but on the cover was something that caught my eye and that was that this was information from someone who had been there. I think the first thing I looked at was the double standard chapter and from there I didn't want anything to do with the hypocrites. Of course i was already making excuses not to be at the meetings after the dateline show aired. your right in not overloading him with to much at first.

  • link

    I know that everyone is going to hate me for saying this (so why say it?) buuuu....t:

    "The Truth" is a belief system. It is not based on fact but an individuals beliefs therefore it cannot be "proven" either one way or the other. You are not being asked to prove anything, you are being asked to dis-prove it and thats very difficult.

    The only reasons that a person will leave this belief system is if remaining in it is causing them pain and if leaving it can be seen to be less painful than remaining in. There has to be a reward for leaving greater than the reward for staying in. Therefore find out why the person needs to stay in and work on this single aspect.

    I agree that doing this is difficult and requires a great deal of thought, especially if the persons carrot is "everlasting life on a paradise earth" The big thing is that the person must at least be willing to listen and I think youve got that already, but don't rush it


  • Shakita

    Just my opinion, but "talk is cheap." Meaning, you can talk to JW's about the problems in their religion, and it seems to go in one ear and out the other. It is my opinion that they have to be jolted somehow in their lives. It must become personal to make them see through the fog.

    In my case, and my husbands, it was the lack of love shown between the so-called brothers and sisters. Some very mean and hurtful things done to our family. Also, the UN issue was a starting point for us to question how many other things has the WT been hiding from their rank and file. Read Ray Franz's books. And that was the beginning of the end for us with the WT.

    I hope that your husband can lift that fog that envelopes every JW's mind. Maybe if you approach your husband with the reasoning of, 'If the WT has nothing to hide and is really God's Channel here on the earth, then why can't you be free to read the above mentioned books. If they are filled with lies, you will see it.' I don't know if this will work, but regardless, I wish you the best with your husband.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Oldhippie

    Arguing doctrinal points is difficult if you are dealing with someone thoroughly indoctrinated in the belief system. Depending on what your husband is interested in you may want to suggest that he research the society chronology, especially in reference to 607 and the destruction of Jerusalem. At least with that there is abundant evidence available to disprove the WT dating. COC references the book 'Gentile Times Reconsidered' which to me was extremely well researched and understandable.

  • Sentinel

    Hi There,

    It seems that people will argue doctrine till the "cows come home". JJ has a good idea, to focus on other issues, rather than the doctrines.

    If we concentrate on the human issues, then we can relate to people one on one. Once we are able to relate to them this way, the other issues of belief systems and doctrines will dissolve themselves away naturally over time.

  • Pleasuredome

    "by their fruits you will recognise them".

    its not so much about the doctrines, but about what they do. i.e. the UN, mexico/milawi, organ transplants, flase prophecies etc. you need to do a lot of research to find out about these things.


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