What do we believe?

by elihab50 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • elihab50


    I am a Catholic and am curious to know what Jehovah's Witnesses really believe. I have heard many things but would rather recieve things right from the source. I would like to know what differences you have with Catholicism based on what you know or have heard. Please allow ourselves to clear up any misconceptions and not argue. If are statements are well justified but still different, then we should just agree to disagree or maybe come to a more advanced truth.

  • LB

    JW's believe that all Catholics are going to be destroyed by the hand of God. Enjoy your brief visit to earth.

  • butalbee
  • kelsey007

    Jehovahs Witnesses believe:

    1. God created man to live on earth.

    2. Satan was an angel that challenged god's supremecy.

    3. Mans sin was a siding with that rebellion.

    4. God provided a means to vindicate his name.

    5. Those that proved themselves rightious would hold out a hope to be raised from death into a New World. Eternal life on a cleansed earth brought back to paradisaic conditions much lie the Garden of Eden. All wickedness to be removed from the earth at armagedon.

    6. 144,000 earthly annointed would be awarded heavenly life to judge over humans and joint heirs of god's heavenly kingdom.

    7. Jesus acts as mediator between man and god only for the remnant of this 144,000. All other- who share the earthly hope must support the efforts of this annointed remnant and accept thier direction as god's representatives on earth in order ot maintain a relationship with god.

    8. Hell is the grave not a place of eternal torment.

    9. After armagedon the dead will be raised. Those who never had the opportunity to learn the JW truth will be given the opportunity at that point. Druing this period Satan will be imprisoned and man will be allowed to prove himself without the influence of Satan for a thousand years after which Satan will be given the opportunity to test man after he has reached perfection- a adam like state. Falilure at that point will mean instantanious death for the sinful man. After that test satan will be peramantly destroyed and man will exist in his perfect state forever on earth.

    10. Rightious man will gain eternal life on earth and wicked man will be put to death- a very real death. JWs believe that the soul dies when the body dies.

    By the way- you will be hard pressed to find anyone here that would still agree with many of the JW teachings. Most here are EX-JWs who are glad to be away from this organzation.

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 24 October 2002 13:44:41

    Edited by - kelsey007 on 24 October 2002 13:46:59

  • elihab50

    Why do they believe that all Caltholics are going to be destroyed?

  • Mulan

    You DO know this site is almost entirely EX Jehovah's witnesses, don't you?

    The answers you get here will likely be very tongue in cheek.

  • Francois

    Catholics are going to be destroyed because they are all a part of, and in fact are at the very head of, "the World Empire of False Religion." And all false religion will also be destroyed at Armageddon. You will find that destruction of damn near everything is a BIG part of the JW teachings. I mean, you can be destroyed for all sorts of things that would never occur to you, like wearing the wrong kind of clothing to the kingdom hall.

    See, the JWs believe that THEY and they alone have the one and only truth. Any variation from that is "false religion."

    Fact is, that JWs are a cult pure and simple. It is populated by people who - although they look perfectly normal on the outside - are NOT normal on the inside, where it counts. This is an organization for the lonely, the losers, the disaffected, the lost, the people who think their lives are utterly ruined. And the JWs represent a religion that will give meaning to their meaningless lives. They see it as a perfect organization, ruled by an infallible leader who holds out an extravagant hope. And part of the "glue" that holds them together is hate. They hate everything that is "other" or outside their tiny little hate-filled organization.

    What you are attempting to do would be viewed as becoming unevenly yoked with an unbeliever, as syncretistic (which they despise). If you attempted to have a calm, rational, adult discussion with a group of JWs, they would attempt to convert you. Failing that they would refuse to discuss anything substantive with you...cause you be from de debil. The average I.Q. of JWs in my opinion would be around room temperature...provided that room was in an igloo.


    It will be interesting to see what other folks have to say. Please do stick around.

  • Valis

    Try this on for size if you are really interested in JWland..


    District Overbeer

  • elihab50

    I would like to know the source of JW teachings. It is a shame to see one mislead, but not prudent to hold them accountable as G-d does not hold us accountable for our shortcomings. It is said that hate annialate love. I would think it works the other way around as well if not better. I you refrain from hostilities, the worst that will happen is nothing at all. As a Church, we are indestructable and have nothing to fear. G-d's wrath consists only of our own judgments. That is an important thing to remember. I am confident that I don't believe in anything false and truths stand on their own, therefore do not need to be defended. Just use them to blot out false teachings. Using them in the form of questions is the best method because asking lies to justify themselves is the best way to expose them.

    What do you believe?
    Where exactly did you recieve this?
    How do you know this to be a reliable source?
    Can you show me where you saw this so I can see it for myself?

    The only way to prove something false is to contradict is with a known truth. If you do this and they still do not agree, then just leave it at that. They are just being stubborn and will eventually come around if you stick around.

    One thing I don't understand is that they use the Bible as the only source of truth. If everything has to be in the Bible, the Bible would say so. The Bible, however, does not even talk about the Bible. And just because one is literate, does not mean he knows how to read the Bible. One must know how to interperate it literally, metaphorically, allegorically, and morally. Where do JW's think the Bible comes from? Did it just one day fall out of the sky?

    It does not seem that they see G-d as being beyond limit. A limited god is a pagan god. That is why pagans had so many of them. JW's even say that there is more than one god. How do they justify themselves with this? I just want to know how such a flawed vision sutains itself.

  • FrankRaven

    elihab50...........what's this G-d,thing? now I'm not sure,but almost am positive that where you ever a muslem using another S/N?I think so.Now here's the reason...........

    back in the 70's I was working for D.C. and studied analysus of hand writings.Plus understanding styles....Example......you have a special style in what you write and how you write it.It's in the person's thinking process.So if you ever try to change the style it's,almost,impossible.Sooner or later one goes back to the style in which they started out with.

    An Atheist is just a person who hasen't been properly introduced to God yet.Now an atheist may not believe in God,but God sure believes in you.

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