From your lips to my fingertips, Mackin!
Kaanga wai
This literally translates as corn water, but means a water cured corn dish. Maori food has its roots in their tradition, culture and also out of necessity; making use of foods readily available, in season or finding ways of preserving them for future use.Kaanga wai certainly comes under the latter, it is also known as rotten corn. It has a very strong and unpleasant smell to it, which if you can get passed (and most non Maori cant), it is not a totally unpleasant flavour.
Originally the shelled white corn was placed in flour sacks and tied to stakes in running streams, but these days it is more often than not just placed into a drum of water and the water changed daily, for two months. By then the corn is really soft and mushy (not to mention smelling very ripe!) This is then cleaned, mashed or minced.
Two parts corn to 6 parts water is then simmered on the stove until a porridge / grits / oatmeal type dish is produced (best done outdoors or with the windows open very wide!) This is then served with cream and sugar added to taste. A baked custard is also made with it by adding cream, eggs and sugar to the Kaanga wai and baking in the oven. If you are ever game to try it . . . bon appetit!
Credit for the above recipe goes to
I can't help noticing that with Kaanga-wai it is not as though one is trying to get past an intolerable smell for a delicious flavor, as with a smelly cheese, perhaps, but one is getting past the intolerable smell for a barely tolerable flavor. I'll bet it builds character, though.
Has anyone ever had chinese Ha-mu (sp?) It's a mixture of fermented fish and pork. It smells like really old soiled personal laundry, but it tastes OK.
One thing I don't think - no, I KNOW I could NOT gag down would be "bolutes."
Edited by - Nathan Natas on 25 October 2002 11:58:11