It is generally acknowledged, and confirmed by experience, that there is a significant gender imbalance in the organisation.
There are considerably more sisters than there are brothers. That's great for the brothers, because a lot of the poor JW lasses get so desperate that even the most dorky of brothers can take his pick.
But why is there this imbalance?
It's true that birth rates show slightly more females being born than males (Mother Nature's way of safeguarding the future?), but this doesn't account for the large disparity among JW's.
I've never really been able to come up with a satisfactory answer. Is it because women are more susceptible to controlling organisations because of social conditioning? Or does the WTS initial message of paradise and universal healing appeal more to their maternalism?
Conversely, then, are there more women than men leaving when they find out the real horrors entailed by the WT "paradise"?
Ladies, please enlighten me.