Comments You Will Not Hear at the 10-27 WT Study

by blondie 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Watchtower Study Article for the Week of October 21-27, 2002



    "Are you a teacher? In a sense, we all are." The WTS then points to giving directions to a lost person, training a workmate, and teaching a child to tie his/her shoe. "Helping others in such ways brings a measure of satisfaction." But then we know that these things we taught are beneficial. Is that the same of the WTS doctrines JWs are required to teach?

    Once again the WTS differentiates by saying "true Christians" are unique in knowing of their responsibility to make disciples, teaching them (Matthew 28:19,20) Does that make Mormons/LDS, Baptists, and others who go door to door. A man from a church in my neighborhood stopped by to invite me to come on Sunday. He was neatly dressed (no suit) with a name tag identifying his church (not himself). He gave me some literature describing the religious opportunities and times. Is he not a "true Christian"?

    Other teachers identified by the WTS:

    "Qualified men are appointed to serve as shepherds and teachers, with a view to building up the congregation." If you were an elder or are an elder, think back on the last time you considered a brother for this "honor." What were the most important qualifications? How much time he spends in field service (national average), meeting attendance, the meeting attendance and field service of any family members, his qualifications as defined by the elders he has deliberately chosen to associate with, meeting attendance, field service.

    "Mature women" to be teachers of good to younger women. See right there is proof that the WTS endorses elderettes!

    "All of us are urged to encourage fellow believersusing the Bible to build up others." Do you remember those days after the meeting when we shared an upbuilding verse with Sister Elderly or Sister Depressed or Sister Sporadic Attender or Brother Works Too Much? This was a topic on JWDwhat did you talk about before or after the meeting/

    The WTS asks, "Howcan we improve our effectiveness as teachers?" Imitate Jesus, do our best, and for the rest of the article, "simplicity, effective questions, logical reasoning, and fitting illustrations."


    "The basic truths of Gods Word are not complicated." But the WTS knows how to make them complicated. "Jehovah has caused his purposes to be revealed to those with sincere and humble hearts." That means that not just the governing body or faithful and discreet class are "privileged" to understand.

    It is interesting that the WTS is using the Reasoning Book as the basis of the last 2 talks in the Theocratic School. Therein is what is considered the basic truths of Gods Word. Yet the average JW touches neither Bible nor Reasoning Book much in field service. Only the books and the magazines. Is it because the average JW cannot deal with the basics and needs to be retaught them? If so, how can they teach others? Good thing these last few articles were provided by the FDS, food at the proper time.

    Now here is the real problem that needs addressing in the field ministry. "A first requirement is to watch our vocabulary. We do not need to use high-sounding words or phrases." (Must be from that college level education JWs get from reading the publications.) "It could be intimidating, especially to those with limited education or ability." Are they talking about the JWs or the people they call on?

    "We must also be careful to avoid overwhelming a Bible student with too much information." Ever hear of Genesis to Revelation JW preachers?

    "For example when conducting a study in the book Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life (the current main textbook, not the Bible as you would expect), we do not need to explain every detail (thats why blood transfusions, birthdays, and the trinity are explained in about 2 paragraphs each)."

    "Nor is it necessary to rush through the information, as if covering a set amount of material is the most important thing." I bet this confuses the JWs who were "in the truth" when the book came out and it was recommended to try to cover one chapter every week. Maybe a lot of people were not grasping "clearly what he is learning. Thus, the truth may touch his heart and move him to action." Translation: People were studying through the whole book and not getting baptized.

    When giving talks in the congregation, JWs are admonished to be considerate of newcomers in the audience. What newcomers?! At public talks, I have heard this terms used, FDS, other sheep, and Babylon the Great. Evidently, the speaker knew there were no new ones to worry about confusing.

    And dont do too much research. "Our research may yield many interesting details" but keep it simple (stupidKISSacronym used by AA).


    See JWs can ask questionsjust dont ask the elders. Jesus used questions "to get his disciples to express what was on their minds." Yes, elders want to know what is on peoples mindsso they can get them in trouble eventually Dfing them. "Jesus gently reached and touched their hearts." Gentleness and elders, is there any correlation there?

    Then we have the same old tired examples of how to know what questions to ask householders. "Toys in the yardwhat will the world be like when your children grow up." "Are there a number of locks on the front doorTime when we can feel safe in our home and on the street." (Perfect time to bring in 911 or the sniper). "Ramp for wheelchair accessTime when everyone will enjoy good health."

    The WTS admits, "Unlike Jesus we cannot read hearts." And that includes elders! "Tactful and discerning questions can help us draw up thoughts." Sure get them to tell you what they think and then shoot it down.

    "We would not want to ask questions that embarrass or humiliate the Bible student." Why not, they better get used to it because that is what the elders do.

    "Rhetorical questionscan help an audience to think and reason." JWs are allowed to think and reason?!

    And the old, tired example of how elders can help a publisher. Read Psalm 34:18 and then show how God is near to them personally. God is definitely near but the elders will be far away.


    "Does that mean that we must learn to employ sophisticated logicsound reasoning does not need to be complicated." Remember the average JW has to understand it first to be able to explain it to the Bible student.

    "No matter how sound our reasoning may be, not everyone will be convinced. The Bible reminds us that only those who are "rightly disposed" will become believers." So the JW preacher wins either way. If the JWs reasoning is flawed and the person doesnt listen, they can chalk it up to the person not being "rightly disposed." In other words, theyre a goat.

    Example of JW logical reasoning (sounds familiar)

    "To expose the absurdity of the hellfire doctrine, we might say, No loving father would punish his child by holding his childs hand in a fire. How much more so must the very idea of hellfire be repugnant to our loving heavenly Father!"

    How would you explain then that God is going to destroy 6 billion people including children at Armageddon? Oh, thats right, at least he isnt going to torture them forever, but they will be dead forever without a chance.


    Effective illustrations do add seasoning to our teaching, making it more appetizing, impressing meaningful pictures, grasping new ideas.

    But what point is there to seasoning manure. If the original information is not beneficial, no amount of seasoning will change that.

    What is wrong with this illustration (well, in my opinion)?

    "Inherited sin can be compared to what happens when a computers files are corrupted by a virus?"

    "As lovers of art will go to great lengths to restore a badly damaged masterpiece, Jehovah can look beyond our imperfections, see the good in us, and eventually restore us to the perfect standing that Adam lost."

    "Learning to express love is like learning a new language."

    "For teachers of Gods Word, that happiness is the joy of knowing that we are imparting something of genuine and lasting valuethe truth about Jehovah."

    In conclusion, do the JWs really teach Gods Word or the truth about God? I dont think so and that is why I no longer preach or teach the WTS doctrine. I would feel like the blind Pharisees leading others into the ditch with me.

    Once again, I invite any experiences, adjustments, or additional comments. 21 paragraphs this week and I am out of town.

    Edited by - Blondie on 24 October 2002 22:10:34

  • minimus

    Blondie, thanx 4 the synopsis. I will not feel obliged to go to the meeting again....Thankyou....btw, I think a better "term" would be eldress.

  • blondie

    Minimus, feel free to stay home every Sunday (or whenever). Eldress may be more linguistically correct, but "elderette" has a flow to it. Eldress sounds like "Eldridge Cleaver" or in Spanish "el dress" or "address" or even "Elvis."

    Blondie (Eldress has left the building--KH that is)

  • minimus

    Elderette reminds me of a short dance or little elder. Eldress sounds sexy, like a cat, like a lioness..

  • Tashawaa

    I thoroughly enjoy these commentaries.

  • blondie

    Thanks, Tashawaa, for the positive feedback. Anything particular? I notice you are a fairly new poster, welcome to the board.

  • ITguy

    Hey Blondie,

    From what I understand, you've made arrangements to avoid many of the weeknight meetings. Does doing this synopsis serve as some sort of therapy for you? I would think you would try to get as little of the "spiritual food" as possible. By doing this, it seems like you're actually *gasp* studying the material....

  • blondie

    IT, the meeting I am forced to attend the most is the WT study. This weekend is a rare exception. Out of consideration to my readers who are attending, I did the review for this weekend. When I can avoid the WT study, I usually skip the review. Also, there are no reviews of the book study, theocratic school, service meeting which I do avoid. I do research while the speaker is talking, using my Amplified Bible. It looks like I am listening. But I need stronger barriers for the WT Study, thus my little review.


  • Pistoff

    As usual blondie you rock; right on the money.

    I liked this especially:

    *Jehovah has caused his purposes to be revealed to those with sincere and humble hearts." That means that not just the governing body or faithful and discreet class are "privileged" to understand. *

    Hehe, to me it means that the governing body is EXCLUDED from understanding Jah's purposes. Is it God's purpose that the most vulnerable among us should be victimized? That the sick should die from lack of blood? That elders who were taught in the 60's still serve today and should be biased against treatment for mental disease and addiction?

    Really, what is the point of this article anyway? Sometimes I think that this stuff is cranked out by computer programs.

  • blondie

    Pistoff, computer programs would probably do a better job. It is cut and paste by 190 brothers with 10 brothers to make sure the punctuation and spelling is correct. I have been reading Studies in the Scriptures and am on Volume 2, The Time is at Hand. The style of writing and the phrases and "reasoning patterns" are so similar to today's that it is frightening. Of course, Fred Franz was fed on this stuff and knew Russell. Russell is pretty arrogant about every being "obvious" and if you don't understand it is "obvious" you aren't part of that special group privileged by God to understand.

    The topics have been pretty skimpy, Pistoff.

    Next week's is "Pay More Than the Usual Attention" which is a rehash of a district convention talk as is the next one "Keep Practicing the Things You Have Learned" which attacks the apostates.

    The KM now has a review of the Special Day program and the Circuit Assembly Program besides the District Convention program. That takes up some space. It also shows why the talk "Pay More Than the Usual Attention" article. I guess my ruse of paying attention at the public talk is not working.


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